In my book Endtime Reapers, I combine the Revelation visions of like subjects, such as chapters 13 and 17, into one chapter for better understanding and clarity. Then I establish a timeline for each chapter, explaining where, when, and by whom each of the visions were fulfilled.
Looking back on fulfilled prophecy that has already been documented by historians is quite easy, whereby attempting to interpret the future is quite dangerous...yet so many authors have chosen this road.
I chose the road less travelled, but I believe the curious seeker, who really loves facts, and actually wants to know the truth about the prophetic visions of Revelation, will find my book a fascinating read that will dispel the mysterious cloud hanging over their meaning, making them crystal clear.
When the metaphors, idioms, figures of speech and symbolism are explained you will finally be able to say when you read the Revelation, "Oh, is that what that scripture means? Wow, now I understand."
Do you have unanswered questions that your denominations answer just doesn't seem to fit what you previously read in the Bible, whether about end time doctrine or other subjects?
Over the years I have had plenty of questions that no one seemed to be able to answer satisfactorily, so I had to do research for myself.
Why couldn't they answer the question satisfactorily?
I believe they are stuck on their denominational talking points, which have been passed down from generation to generation. No one seems to ask the question, "Is this really what this particular scripture means, or did they put their own spin on it?"
In this blog I will share my perplexing questions and the answers that I found through decades of research, especially regarding the end time doctrine.
Illuminator is signing off until next blog...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...Sheeple follow without question...