Have any of you read the Communist Manifesto? If not, you should. It declares that a lie, told long enough, devoid of the truth -- becomes truth! How do they accomplish this? They control your mind by replacing your old beliefs with their new propaganda. First they deride your current beliefs, creating doubt about them, then they offer their modern and progressives ideas. After all, the new ideas regarding religion have better facts which dispute the old belief system - a lie of course!.
In many countries on the planet tyrants have, and still are burning the Bible, calling it lies and myths that turn its proponents against the State. Some regimes call the Bible the "opioid of the people." In my 45 years as a Christian, I have watched the developed countries, which were founded on Jesus Christ, be drastically transformed into believing this lie. Sadly, by telling this lie about the Bible, over and over, devoid of the truth, it has become truth to hundreds of millions of people. Who is to blame? The Communists? No! They are doing the will of their father Satan.
Who is to blame then? The leaders of the Christian church! They are not doing the will of their Father in Heaven! This is why God's judgment begins in the House of God -- His Church. The Church has been commissioned to carry the gospel to the utter most parts of the earth. The Church is to be salt and light for those walking in the darkness of sin. It has been commissioned to reveal what the Bible says about the invisible realm -- who resides there -- and how followers of Christ can depend on Him & His heavenly beings to help them to be victorious in their earthly walk.
The more we talk about the happenings in the invisible realm, the more we will believe and cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and the messengers God sends to help us be a faithful witness to the power of the Cross. By denying the validity of the truths in the Bible, the more earth-conscious we become, trusting ourselves and our vain reasoning, submitting to the wiles of Satan & his demons. Yes, he is real -- lives in the invisible realm -- our arch enemy...roaming the earth seeking whom he may devour...I Pet. 5:8.
In my early days of teaching Bible classes in church, if I taught on the wiles of the devil, some would say, "You are glorifying the devil, you should only teach about Jesus Christ." While others would whisper to me, "Shhh...you shouldn't talk about the devil, he will hear you and do us harm." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, since I was teaching the Bible. The Apostle Paul said that we must put on the whole armor of God. Why? Because we have an enemy whose job is to kill, steal and destroy...John 10:10.
When we were last together in this series Who is Satan, I asked, "If Satan and his demons are not real why does the Bible have so much to say about protecting ourselves from these invisible entities. What are the fiery darts of the wicked one, which our shield of faith will quench? The word fiery in the Greek language is pyros meaning: kindle; ignite; inflame. Dart means: missile - to throw. Remember...the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (bombs, guns, spears) but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds...II Cor. 10:4.
Our weapons are spiritual -- our battle is spiritual. The Apostle Paul described our spiritual weapons -- defensive & offensive -- as the whole armor of God in Eph. 6:10-20. 1) truth 2) righteousness 3) gospel of peace 4) shield of faith--quench all fiery darts of the wicked one 4) salvation 5) sword of the Spirit--Word of God 6) praying in the Spirit. How many of theses weapons are we implementing everyday?
One of the most effective fiery darts used by Satan and his hordes of demons is the tongue! Remember the little ditty you grew up with, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me!" Well...that is another lie! Calling someone insulting and humiliating names can hurt that persons spirit for a lifetime, if they are believed, while being hit with a rock hurts until the injury heals in a couple of days.
Just tune into any media today -- newspapers, television, radio, internet -- and listen to the insulting lies being hurled against any person who happens to be in the public eye--inflaming the passions of violent rage and revenge--fiery darts. The press knows if they speak their lies, over and over, devoid of the truth, the lies become truth to their gullible audience. You can see how the Communist creed is alive and well on planet earth today!
Now we know that Satan's most effective fiery dart is the tongue -- lies and deception. After all, Jesus called Satan a liar, the father of all lies. Wars in families, friendships, workplaces, cities, states and nations have erupted because of lies, inciting division and revenge. So if we find ourselves not telling the truth about a situation, an incident, or other people, we now know to whom we have surrendered our allegiance - Satan.
Since words are spirit, how does our shield of faith quench the fiery darts of lies spoken against us? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~
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