Sunday, December 3, 2017

Who is Satan? Series #3 - Part 167 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth...John 4:24.  The word Spirit in the original Greek language is pneuma meaning:  breath.  So God created man in His own Image; in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them...Gen. 1:27.  And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being...Gen. 2:7.

Without the Bible we could never understand the invisible spiritual realm or the physical material realm.  God was, is, and always will be Spirit.  God is an eternal being, living in the invisible spiritual world.  He breathed His spirit-life into man causing him to become a living being.  We were created in His Image:  a spirit being.  Since we were created in the Image of God, we also are an eternal being, living in the invisible spiritual world, yet we also have a physical body in order to function in the physical material world.

Over the centuries, the most hated book that was ever been printed is the Bible, because it reveals the truth about the eternal spiritual realm.  It reveals mankind's sinful nature, God's judgment, and God's punishment for choosing to follow Satan, rather than the blessings he will receive for following God. Tyrants in most countries around the globe have burned the Bible by the millions, while viciously persecuting the readers of God's book -- beatings, imprisonment, chained in dungeons, starvation, burned at the stake, thrown to the lions, stretched on racks until their bodies are torn in pieces, and many other atrocities.  These precious souls died in order to reveal the reality of the invisible spiritual realm.  They lived for Jesus Christ and experienced vicious Satanic attacks.

When we were last together I asked, "Why don't people believe that Satan is real?"  My answer is, "The same reason they don't believe God is real!"  I lay the total blame at the feet of the Church who have been negligent in emphasizing the reality of the invisible spiritual realm.  The more we talk about something the more real it becomes to us.  How do I know?

Advertisers pay huge amounts of money to advertise their product over radio, television, internet and newspapers.  Each ad is spoken over and over and over - adnauseam.  Does this repetition get into the minds of the potential customers, causing them to believe the advertising, and clamor to purchase the product?  I believe you know the answer - talking about something over and over causes you to believe.

Consider the modern press.  The mainstream press owns most of the audio/visual media networks, so their ability to formulate their ideas into the minds of the populous is powerfully persuasive.  Globalist leaders, with an anti-Christ agenda, have bought up most of the small independent newspapers around the globe, in order to indoctrinate their readers with their agenda.  Is it working?  You bet!

Has Hollywood indoctrinated modern society through their movies and television programs by scripting paganism and immorality as a 'normal way of life' for their viewers?  Of course!  What a person hears and sees everyday, over and over, becomes real to him - it is finally believed!  While it has taken Hollywood a few decades through visual & audio indoctrination, modern society finally reflects the pagan immoral values it espouses.  Did saying something over and over and over again work?  You bet!

Many university professors have taken it upon themselves to eradicate any vestige of Christianity in their students through humiliation, shame, and blackmail (failing grade if they don't comply with their radical godless beliefs).  Is it working?  You bet!

The Church, as a whole around the world, has not taught the followers of Christ the reality of the invisible spiritual realm.  We live on the earth a very short time, but eternity is forever, so one would think there should more emphasis on how to be prepared for eternity.  The Apostle Paul said...Set you mind on things above, not on things on the earth...Col. 3:2.  Why isn't the Church emphasizing this teaching in scripture?

Paul explained about Jesus when he declared...He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation...for by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers...all things were created through Him and for Him...Col.1:15-16. 

Why isn't the Church teaching the followers of Christ over and over and over again, that the invisible spiritual realm is real -- that God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, angels, Satan and demons are real  -- and that we in the earthly realm are influenced by these 'very real beings' who live in the invisible realm?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~

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