Sunday, January 21, 2018

Invisible Spiritual Realm Series #2 - Part 173 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

The purpose of this series - Invisible Spiritual Realm - is to inform the reader that this realm is of much greater importance than the earthly realm, because the invisible spiritual beings - good and bad - influence the happenings in the earthly realm.  Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and Satan and his demons, seek to indwell human beings in order to fulfill their plans - the final eternal destination - for mankind.  Jesus desires for mankind to dwell with Him forever in Paradise, while Satan desires for mankind to reject Jesus, and follow him into his final eternal destination -- the Lake of Fire.

Once we see clearly the happenings of the invisible spiritual realm, the more likely we will choose to follow Jesus and His Holy Spirit.  So obviously Satan will throw up strongholds against this knowledge, so he can use IGNORANCE to hold us captive to unbelief.   If Christian leaders don't spend precious time and energy informing their flock, we still have no excuse, because all of this information is recorded in the Bible.

When we were last together, I began to tell you a personal experience I had with the invisible spiritual realm.  One night about 1973, the kids and I were alone, sound asleep, when I was awakened by a voice calling my name out of the darkness -- a voice of someone whom I hadn't seen since 1959.  Who was it?

All I heard was "Mary Ann."  I jumped out of bed and walked throughout the dark house quietly looking in each room via moonlight.  I looked in the girls room, but they were still sound asleep.  I knew this rented home had no lock on the back door, so I looked carefully in the screened porch and scanned the back yard.  I couldn't see anyone.

I went back to bed, thinking I must be looney, and snuggled back onto my stomach, my favorite sleep position.  Just as I began to doze off, I clearly heard again - Mary Ann.  I was awake this time, even though drowsy, so jumped out of bed and scanned the house again -- nothing!  Now I know I am not looney, but who said my name so clearly -- I didn't recognize the voice?

Strangely I wasn't fearful, just perplexed since I couldn't explain this phenomenon.  So this time when I went to bed I decided to lay on my back, so when I heard the voice again in the area of the room it previously came from, I could open my eyes immediately, and maybe see something.  By this time I was very awake, but snuggled into the pillow and closed my eyes anyway.  As soon as I closed my eyes I heard - Mary Ann - very clearly.  Ahh...this time my eyes popped open and I saw a man manifested in a vision, situated just below the ceiling of my bedroom.

There were flames engulfing him, a man who had dark sunken eyes of anguish and pain.  His hand was extended toward me, while his index finger gestured for me to come, to follow him.  My heart broke at the sorrowful sight of this man from my past, who had been unfaithful, and so unkind to my grandmother - her second husband.  She died in this man's home when her easy chair, with her in it, burned up.  He wouldn't give my mother any mementos of my grandmothers' and he immediately married his paramour.  I never knew what happened to him, and my mother never talked about him after her mother's tragic death.

 I immediately began to pray for this man, but the Holy Spirit said, "It is too late."  What lesson did I learn from this particular vision?  I learned the importance of praying for anyone God puts on my heart while he/she is still alive on the earth, so he/she will make the choice to follow Jesus Christ.  His eternal destination is decided while he lives on the earth.  Once he leaves the earth, there is no opportunity to change his is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment...Heb. 9:27.

The Bible records an incident in the invisible spiritual realm, where Jesus testifies about a certain rich man who had lived in luxury all his life.  A beggar, unkempt and full of sores, ate only what was thrown away by the rich man.  Both died -- the beggar joined Abraham in the eternal realm of peace and love, while the rich man found himself in Hades where he was tormented in flames.

The rich man asked Abraham if Lazarus could dip his finger in water and cool his tongue.  Abraham said...Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented...and besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there to us...Luke 16:19-31.

One evening in 1974, after the kids had gone to bed, I was studying Ezekiel 22, when I came to verse 30-31...and I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none...therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath; their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God. 

I was shocked that God could find no one that cared enough for other people to plead with Him for mercy and forgiveness.  I asked the Holy Spirit if this scripture meant that I could stand in the gap for my parents, who hated God, so judgment wouldn't come upon them?  I wanted time extended to them to hear the true gospel and be saved.  That night I was called to be an Intercessor!

A friend called me to intercede for a lady named Beth, who was being tormented in the night, but due to her illness, she couldn't speak - couldn't verbalize what was terrorizing her at night.  My friend wanted me to ask God to should me what was going on -- so I did.  A few nights later, I was jolted awake to a terrorizing experience in the invisible spiritual realm.  Who visited me?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~


ResonaHide said...

Nice Picture! Amazing picture!
I’d like to publish this picture for my book to have creative imagination.
Do you know the original creator?
Hideshi Ishida

Illuminator of the Book of Revelation said...

I found this picture online and did not see that it had copyright protection.