Sunday, January 7, 2018

Who is Satan? Series #7 - Part 171 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together we were discussing the reality of the invisible spiritual realm and how those who reside in this realm affect the lives of human beings on the earth.  God's angels desire to influence us to do good that honors Jesus Christ, while Satan's angels desire to influence us to do evil -- chaos, anarchy, death, destruction -- to honor Lucifer, the fallen arch angel.  We refuse to learn about this invisible activity to our own peril.

The Apostle Paul delineates the whole spiritual armor of God that a Christian must wear at all times in Ephesians 6:10-20, which we previously discussed in this series.  We learned in the last blog that one of Satan's most effective fiery darts is the tongue of a human being  -- lies and deception.  Paul admonished us to use our shield of faith to quench all of the fiery darts spoken against us.  What is faith?

The Bible defines faith faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...Heb. 11:1.  When God created the world He first saw it in His mind, spoke the words 'let there be' and it manifested into a physical world.  Every human being has been endowed with this same authority.  If a human being believes what he is speaking with his tongue -- spoken desire -- believing becomes the substance of his desire until it is manifested in the physical realm.  He is exercising his faith until what he is believing for comes to pass in the physical realm.

This authority is inherent is every human being.  God also gave to each human being a will -- authority to make choices for himself.  He can choose to use his authority to do good to honor his Lord & Savior Jesus Christ or he can choose to use his authority to do evil and honor Satan.  Nonetheless, this invisible spiritual authority will create into the physical realm what is spoken by the tongue in the invisible spiritual realm.  Words will become material when spoken by faith.

So fiery darts are the spoken words of a human being, whose tongue is surrendered to Satan in the invisible realm, for the purpose of perpetrating evil upon another human being.  If you are a Christian and another human being speaks evil words against you -- lies, half-truths, death, calamity -- stand behind your shield of faith, so those fiery darts will not penetrate your life and do any damage.  What happens to the rejected fiery darts? 

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit...Proverbs 18:21.  This proverb explains clearly the power that is in the tongue.  Our spoken words will produce death or life.  The words we choose to speak will produce - create - something!  But...we must understand -- we will eat the fruit of our words.  In other words, the words we speak will bring back to us death or life -- this is the spiritual principle.

I want you visualize this spiritual principle.  The fiery darts of evil spoken against you will bounce off of your shield of faith and, according to the proverb, will return to the sender, who will eat the fruit of his own evil words.

Did you ever find it impossible to obey some of the commands of Jesus because they just didn't make sense -- so you ignored them?  Jesus said...but I say unto you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven...Matt. 5:44-45. how are we considered sons of our Father in Heaven?  By praying for our enemy first!  This is our shield of faith!

That's impossible you say indignantly, they don't deserve blessings for injustice - I won't do it! reveal by your words you have not been taught that there is the power of life or death in the tongue.  When we chose to obey the command of Jesus Christ and speak words of blessing to those who speak evil against us, those who gossip the condemning words or opinions of others, those blessings will return to us -- we will eat the fruit of the words of life we have spoken.  This act of obedience puts all things into the hands of our Lord for Him to deal justly in any given situation.  We humans cannot deal with most situations justly -- our own prejudices get in the way -- so God has supplied us with this powerful spiritual principle.

The majority of church leaders have neglected to teach clearly, and daily over and over again, about the happenings in the spiritual realm, and the fact that all evil is being perpetrated against humanity by Satan and his demons.  So it is no wonder that God is being blamed, even by people who don't believe in God.  They say, "If there is a God, and He is a God of love, why doesn't He stop the abuse of children, and all the chaos and wars?  I can't believe in a God who would allow all of this hate & violence to continue!"

I remember presenting to a pastor years ago, how there should be no pews in the church building - except for the disabled. Rather than being entertained, we should be coming together to walk and pray down the strongholds that Satan & his demons have placed against our community, while collectively praising & worshipping our Lord to fill our community with His glory!  How do you think he responded to my revolutionary idea?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~

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