January 9, 2014
In my research of the scriptures to find out when my name was written in God's Book of Life, I left you with a question in my last blog, "Do you know the answer?"
Up to this point I was told my name was written in God's Book of Life the moment I accepted Jesus
Christ as my Savior OR when I was baptized with water. Since I could not verify either answer in the Bible, my search continued.
Do you remember what Jesus said to the seventy disciples whom He empowered to heal the sick and cast out demons, when they returned rejoicing about the miracles done by their hand?
Jesus said to them, "In this rejoice not that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven...Luke 10:20. These disciples were not "born again" because Jesus had not died or risen from the grave. They were serving the Law of Moses. So how could their names be written in Heaven already? Did you ever ask yourself that question when reading this text?
After Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after communing with God, he saw that the Israelites had been busy making a pagan god of gold to worship. God was ready to destroy them, but Moses pleaded with God to forgive them, but if He wouldn't Moses asked God, "Blot me out of you book which you have written." Exodus 32:31-33
Now, how did Moses' name get written in God's Book of Life? Had Moses accepted Jesus as his Savior - this was several hundred years before Jesus was born. Had Moses participated in a ritual baptism - there was no such ceremony during his time. Now isn't this perplexing.
Not only does Moses know that God has written his name in the Book of Life, his name can be blotted out of God's book. Whoa...this knowledge could possibly unravel someone's theology! How did Moses' name get written in the Book of Life - and how is a name blotted out?
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question.