Sunday, April 27, 2014

Part 5 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

Sunday, April 27, 2014

When we were last together I asked the question, "Where did this doctrine of some future Antichrist originate? It originated after the great Reformation of Martin Luther had begun, and the publication of his Bible for the common man to read in 1522.  He knew the citizens were never allowed to read the scriptures for themselves, and if they could, they would find out that salvation was a free gift from God, through the blood of Jesus Christ -- not by works lest any man could boast...Eph. 2:8-9.
Once Luther's Bible was placed in the hands of the common man, a rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire for teaching them a false religious doctrine erupted violently. The Empire literally hemorrhaged, as thousands of citizens bolted from a dark false religious doctrine, into the  light of the truth revealed in Luther's Bible.
This priestly heretic, Martin Luther, even had the audacity to draw pictures in his Bible revealing the Pope as not only an antichrist leader, but also the fulfillment of John's visions in Revelation - namely the seven-headed beast in chapter 17. A woman, who symbolizes paganism, sits on this scarlet-colored beast, which symbolizes sin. Luther drew a crown on her head, just like the one worn by the Pope of the Holy Roman Empire, which says "God on Earth" and the "Vicarious Christ." Luther agreed with the vision which declared this as blasphemous - Mystery Babylon - Mother of Harlots.
Prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment. We will study more historical evidence that proves that the seventh head of the seven-headed beast is the Holy Roman Empire. But Martin knew it in his day, because he personally experienced this beast kingdom, from an insiders perspective.
Because of the mighty protestation against the Holy Roman Empire, new churches popped up all over, with oversight from the underground church pastors who had been patiently waiting for an opportunity to come out into the light without being imprisoned or murdered by the Empire. So the Empire strategized a way to plug this hemorrhage of obedient servants, and quash the new belief that the Pope was the fulfillment of the beast of Revelation -- Man of Sin described by the Apostle Paul.
In order to stop this massive exodus, the Pope enlisted the help of a priest named Ignatius Loyola, who was already a member of the Spanish Alumbrados -- Latin rendering is Illuminati.  The Illuminati originated in the days of Nimrod's rebellion against God, when he formed "The Mysteries" religion where they were called the Enlightened Ones - morphing into the Illuminati later in time.
But how could they interrupt the  passionate Protestant Church movement? Ignatius Loyola founded a secret society - Society of Jesus - for the sole purpose of devising a plan to infiltrate the newly formed Protestant churches by stealth, and covertly plant their false doctrine. They knew these new Christians were not well versed in the scriptures, so they could easily be persuaded to fall back into the old familiar doctrine of the Empire. These covert Jesuits found it tantalizing to create confusion, doubt, and unbelief in this fledgling truth movement.
A member of this secret society, a Spanish priest named Francisco de Ribera, eventually had a bright idea. He could write a scholarly commentary on the book of Revelation that would definitely cast doubt on Luther's proclamation. In his commentary, a complete fabrication of his imagination, he said that at the end of all time, a political antichrist, a man of sin, will arise when the Holy Roman Empire falls away from the Pope. Of course, he never expected the Empire to fall - but it did.
This antichrist man will pretend to be God, appearing prior to a great seven-year tribulation, where he will persecute the saints of God and abolish the Christian religion. In order to make sure his readers know this happens many centuries from his time, Francisco declared this antichrist man will make a covenant with the Jews for three and a half years in the temple at Jerusalem. He believed that his grandiose end-time fabrication, would definitely convince the populous of the 1500's that the Holy Roman Empire is not the seventh-head of the beast of Revelation - because this beast will not appear until the the end of time.
Did Francisco's commentary of 1590 dissuade the massive Protestant revolt as intended? The next time we get together we will find out what happened to his commentary, and how it influenced the false end-time doctrines of John Darby and Cyrus Scofield, whom we introduced at the beginning of this study. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Part 4 - Riddles, Enigmas & Eosteric Imagery of Revelation

Sunday, April 20, 2014

When we were last together we began our quest to find out "who is the Antichrist?" The word Antichrist is not found in the book of Revelation, but the theory of a future Antichrist was purported in the Scofield Reference Bible published in 1909, and adopted by the seminaries of America soon after. I believe we debunked the theory proposed by some pastors, influenced by this doctrine in their seminary education, that Benito Mussolini was the Antichrist.
I don't know Cyrus Scofield's motive for introducing this false end-time doctrine, but I do know that he was a lawyer...hmmm...does that tell us anything? He had to resign his position as U.S. District Attorney in Kansas, suspected of taking bribes. Later he was jailed on forgery charges. He abandoned his two children, refusing them financial support - admitting that he drank too much alcohol.
Mr. Scofield gleaned his end-time doctrine from the writings of an itinerant preacher from Britain - John Darby. Many eschatologists in Europe are amazed that Americans so easily accepted the newfangled doctrine of Mr. Darby, whom they had rejected as a false teacher. Did I mention that Mr. Darby was a lawyer, too?
In the last fifty years, the market has been flooded with books and movies interpreting the visions of Revelation with scary images of monsters, or human beings with large numbers stamped on their foreheads and forearms. These authors and movie producers believe that most of the Revelation and Daniel have not come to pass as yet. This means that their published works are interpreting prophecy of scripture, which the Apostle Peter said is not for private interpretation. If they disobey this admonition, how accurate can they be?
I can answer that question - they will be as accurate as you will be if you try to predict the events in your own future. This seems like a common sense deduction to me, but apparently not for ninety-nine percent of the Christian community, who bet their lives on their favorite end-time speculative doctrine, and call anyone else heretical that may have a different viewpoint.
How incensed would you be if I told you that most of the prophecy of the Revelation has already come to pass, while some are in the process of fulfillment? Early Biblical historians have documented - names, dates, places - for their fulfillment. I know this may be a new, even radical concept to you, so I hope you don't delete my blog before your curiosity is peaked. Why not check out what these historians have to say about the Revelation - you have nothing to lose.
Since this study will take some time to reveal all the proof that I have to offer, let me give you a teaser. Did you know that Martin Luther proved that he experienced the fulfillment of Revelation chapters 13, 17, and 18? Not only in his extensive writings, but also in his drawings, Martin Luther revealed that he personally knew the "man of sin" depicted in II Thessalonians 2:3. Yes, prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment. 
Why have modern end-time scholars simply disregarded the proof that Martin Luther provided to the generations that would follow him? I will answer that question - it doesn't fit into Mr. Scofield's and Mr. Darby's narrative of some scary Antichrist who will take over the world someday.
If we believed the historical documentation of Martin Luther, we would also have to believe that Daniel's seventy-week vision has also been fulfilled - by 70 A.D. The historian Flavius Josephus has already proven it has been fulfilled, all 70 weeks, and I will supply you that documentation.
So where did this doctrine of some future Antichrist originate? Actually it originated in Martin Luther's time. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Part 3 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

Sunday, April 13, 2014

When we were last together, I promised that we would delve into to the history that provided the modern end-time doctrine of all mainline denominations - the one you hear on radio and television programs.  While it will take more than one blog, I will begin today, while also explaining one of the enigmas in the doctrine.
Have you ever heard of Francisco de Ribera, John Darby, Margaret MacDonald, or Cyrus Scofield? If not, I will acquaint you with these players, who provided the script for the modern end-time doctrine that many of you have embraced without question, because your spiritual leadership has told you that this doctrine is the truth.
In 1909, Cyrus Scofield published a reference Bible with his personal end-time philosophy, at the prestigious Oxford University Press in London. He gleaned his modernistic ideas from the writings of  the other three people mentioned above, professing that most of the visions in the Revelation had not come to pass. Historians refute this claim. His commentary interpreted Bible prophecy and set up a strategic outline for future events to come to pass.
Why did the seminaries and Bible school teachers in America quickly embrace and adopt into their curriculum, his fanciful, scripturally unfounded interpretations of Bible prophecy? Did they know anything about the personal life of this self-proclaimed prophet of the future? Did he have any Christian fruits in his lifestyle, or did the Bible scholars of the 20th century even bother to find out?
They did not bother to find out, they simply swallowed his newfangled ideas without question. I was perplexed at their lack of inquiry into Mr. Scofield's character, before they adopted his eschatology. But to have a new and bright idea with which to capture the attention of their waning national flock, probably was one reason the scholars grasped hold of a doctrine that could not be supported by biblical historians, but was mysteriously sensational enough to captivate the interest of their followers.
ANTICHRIST - An enigma
Who is the Antichrist? Do you know? Since the Scofield Reference Bible purported there is coming an evil person called the Antichrist, who will rule the world someday, thousands of books have been written on this subject,  and movies with endless speculations? Did you know that new translations of the Bible have altered portions of scripture to prove this theory? Probably not...but they have. 
The Apostle Peter said that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit...II Peter 1:20-21. So why do men insist on attempting to interpret Bible prophecy, if prophecy is understood in its fulfillment so we will believe, according to Jesus? John 14:29
In the 1930's during Benito Mussolini's totalitarian reign in Italy, a self-appointed cadre of pastors from America, took a long journey to personally meet with him? Why would they do such a thing? This proud group of Bible prophecy interpreters, went there to inform this tyrant that he was the Antichrist of the book of Revelation. Where in the book of Revelation does it call anyone the Antichrist? Apparently these scholars had it all figured out - were they right?
A major danger in interpreting prophecy of  scripture - it will mislead the saints of God to follow another voice. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation - Part 2

Sunday, April 6, 2014

            When we were last together I claimed that you can understand the book of Revelation...and you will by walking the path of a news-hound, nosey for facts, asking a lot of questions that can and will be answered on our quest together.
If someone becomes curious about the book of Revelation, whether Christian or non-Christian, the seeker probably checks out any number of Christian television networks, radio programs, or  purchases an end-time book from thousands of choices, to see what they say on the subject.
I can guarantee you that all of the Christian television networks, and all of the major Christian radio programs will basically teach the same end-time doctrine. Some authors or teachers have a flare for the dramatic, so put a bit of stylized spin on their teaching, or reveals some Hebrew or Greek meaning for an in-depth presentation, but the end result is the same. When I tune in I ask myself, "Are they clones - does not one of these fine eschatology teachers have an original thought?"
My hunger for the truth about end-time matters goes back to about 1973, after I read my first end-time book. I had been devouring the Bible for about a year by the time I read this very popular book. This author had been purported to be a "scholar" so his well researched book was to be accepted as revolutionary truth regarding the end of times. So this new Christian, myself, eager to learn from the  scholars, read his book from cover-to-cover.
As I worked my way through the book, I highlighted information that I believed contradicted the scriptures that I had been studying so hungrily. What me...a new Christian...what did I know? How dare I challenge a scholar!! Well, it wasn't with meanness that I verbalized my challenge out loud in my living room, but rather with curiosity, as to how he drew his conclusions, if there was scripture that contradicted his summarization of the matter.
I really don't want to be gullible, and so enamored with a Bible teacher or pastor, that I lose perspective. Not one Christian has all truth - only Jesus Christ has all truth. As a researcher of the truth on any subject in the Bible, I want to hear all sides and ideas on the matter - don't you? We must never be close-minded, especially on end-time future events -- because which Bible teacher or author really knows the future? If you said...none of would be correct.
Consider yourself - do you know what tomorrow will bring your way? I hope you!! While you may have a skeletal outline of a plan for you life, that's why you go to college or a trade school, but you really do not know what tomorrow will bring to your life.
So how do all of the end-time teachers and preachers, sit in these round-table discussions on television and radio, and with absolute assurance lay out future end-time events of the world?  Does that not bother you, at least a little bit? does me. If they can't even predict tomorrow's events in their own lives, how can they predict future events of the whole world...and with emphatic clarity?
Jesus said that we were to watch for the signs of the times - He tells us things in advance, so that when the event comes to pass, we will remember that He told us - and believe.
The next time we are together, I will take you back in time, about 100 years, for a little history lesson, that will explain how this modern end-time doctrine, which you hear 24/7 on Christian broadcasting, books, and Internet, originated. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question.