Sunday, May 25, 2014
Part 9 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation
When we were last together I said that we will begin to explain how Martin Luther experienced the fulfillment of the seventh head of the seven-headed beast in Revelation 17:3...and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which is full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment and Martin Luther recorded what he personally experienced in the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The woman sitting on the beast symbolizes Paganism which is practiced by all seven heads - empires. But Martin Luther noted that this woman also symbolized the Holy Roman Empire which reigned during his lifetime. Since he was a priest of the Empire he was well aware of the pomp and adornment of the leadership described in Revelation 17:4...the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls - symbolizing royalty and worldly wealth.
On the forehead of this woman was written - Mystery - Babylon the Great - Mother of Harlots - Abominations of the Earth...Rev. 17:5. Martin Luther knew the inside scoop of this Empire that it truly represented counterfeit Christianity. When the gold crown is placed on the head of each new leader of the Empire, it bears the shocking words: Vicarious Son of God. What does this mean?
Vicarious means to stand in the place of another. Only the Son of God can claim this distinction, because He stood in our place accepting the punishment for our sins. No sinful human being is eligible to pay that price. It is blasphemy for a sinful man to say he is the Vicarious Son of God.
After Martin Luther accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, his eyes were opened to the false religious doctrine taught by this Empire, which he now considered scurrilous, and was compelled to expose it if the leadership refused to repent. In the hand of the woman was a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication...Rev. 17:4. The leadership of this Empire used a golden chalice for communion, confirming to Martin Luther that prophecy of scripture had fully described the abominable religious doctrine taught by them.
Filthiness of her fornication symbolizes an apostate religion - paganism - beguiling the innocent into damnation, clearly described to Martin Luther exactly what he personally saw happening to his generation. The average citizen was prevented from learning to read and write, so they could be told they were too ignorant to read or understand the scriptures. Martin Luther was so disturbed by this, because many could read and write, that he published a Bible for the common man in 1522.
In his first published Bible, Martin Luther inserted many drawings depicting certain passages. On the head of the woman sitting on the scarlet beast he drew the crown that is placed on the head of a Pope at coronation, where is written - Another God on Earth or Vicarious Son of God. Luther knew that the color scarlet on this beast symbolized the sins of these pagan empires, including the one in which he lived - Holy Roman Empire.
When the people read Luther's Bible, and saw the truth about this false religious empire as depicted in his drawings, the Reformation was birthed. The truth created a worldwide mass exodus of millions of people out of this false religious Empire - precipitating its eventual demise. Luther was adamant that salvation was a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast...Eph 2:8. He proclaimed throughout the realm there was no other way to be reconciled to God - baptism will not, penance will not, works of the flesh will not, Mary will not - only the blood of Jesus Christ cleansed men of their sins.
Martin Luther became the Holy Roman Empire's worst nightmare! In his many books and sermons he relentlessly exposed the powerful wicked influence this Empire had all over the world by 1517 - a thousand years of the Dark Ages - cruelty, imprisonment, and death of anyone who attempted to expose their false religious practices. John Huss refused allegiance to this Empire and was burned at the stake - have you heard about this martyr? Stay tuned..
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Part 8 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation
When we were last together we solved one small riddle among many regarding the beasts of the Revelation. This blog delves into documented Biblical history, not the revised history created by scholars of the last one hundred years. Sometimes we don't like how history sheds light on the sins of those who profess to be Christians in past decades, so they revise it so that it doesn't point the finger, so to speak, at any modern denomination. But we are supposed to learn from history, not revise it, so my purpose in life is to shed a bright light on it all the dirty linen, so maybe I won't repeat their mistakes.
Revelation is an historical record of the sins of empires of the past from whom we can learn. "And another sign appeared in Heaven; behold a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads."...Rev. 12:3. We will find that all beast references in Revelation are related, but different characteristics of its purpose are symbolized - and we will define the symbolism which will unveil the message.
The dragon in this reference symbolizes Satan, who symbolizes Paganism - Idolatry. The seven heads symbolize seven pagan empires on the earth. Horns symbolize seats of power. Ten horns symbolize ten subsequent seats of power related to the sixth head of the beast. Diadems or crowns symbolize royalty - power over a kingdom.The number seven means complete or perfection - God's number. This symbolism tells us that God has permitted this beast to arise on the earth.
When John saw the vision of this beast, five of its seven heads - empires - had already been deposed, one empire was existing, and one was future. John was living in the existing empire - Imperial Roman Empire. In another vision John saw this same beast rising out of the sea, but now it looked " a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority."...Rev. 13:2.
Scripture asks the question, "Can a leopard change its spots?" John now sees the dragon (Satan) appearing like a leopard, symbolizing that all of the empires connected to this beast will not change their spots - Paganism will always rule. When John saw the seven-headed dragon transformed into a leopard, bear, lion combo, he was shown how these previous empires had fallen because of Paganism.
Daniel in his vision saw an image of a lion which symbolizes the Babylonian Empire. The image of a bear which symbolizes the Medo-Persian Empire. The image of a leopard which symbolizes the Grecian Empire. The image of great iron teeth which symbolizes the Imperial Roman Empire...Dan. 7:2-8. When John saw the images that Daniel had previously seen, three had already fallen, but he was living during the time of the great iron teeth empire - Imperial Roman Empire.
The most important image to focus on is the dragon who gave his power and authority to all of these empires - Paganism. The continuity of Paganism in all the beast empires is what Jesus was instilling in the mind of John.
More about the seven-headed beast was shown to John, "...and on his heads a blasphemous name."...Rev. 13:1. Blasphemy means: disrespect for God and sacred things. In the original Greek text the word SCURRILOUS is written upon this beast. What does all of this mean?
The next time we get together we will begin to reveal what Martin Luther recorded, as he experienced the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, "And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which is full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."...Rev. 17:3. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Part 7 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation
When we were last together I left you with a riddle from the book of Revelation - "The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and it is of the seven, and is going to perdition"...Rev. 17:11. This is only solvable if we keep the visions of Revelation in the setting of their historical fulfillment. Since the modern viewpoint on Revelation says that most of it is yet future, then their opinion on this riddle is totally speculation and fanciful imaginations.
"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name."...Rev. 13:1. If we ignore historical documentation, and put the fulfillment of this beast off to the future, then we participate in a guessing game that produces fear of the unknown, while leading the seeker of truth in the wrong direction. The question is - has this portion of Revelation been fulfilled?
By defining the symbolism by historical documentation, the message will be revealed - no interpretation needed. Seven heads symbolize seven empires. Sea symbolizes restless nations - discontented, constantly searching, trying to find their way by forever seeking change. John was shown seven empires in his vision - five fallen - one existing - one future. The five deposed empires were Assyria, Egyptian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian and Grecian.
The one empire that was existing at the time John had the vision was Rome. This is the sixth head of the beast. This is the empire that received a mortal wound which we will clearly explain in future blogs. Horns symbolize a seat of power. Crowns symbolize royalty or sovereign empire. History confirms that these ten horns were successive seats of power in the royal line of Rome. Only ten seats of power are mentioned, because these specific ten empires would exact especially cruel persecution against the saints of God for nearly three centuries - until Emperor Constantine stopped the persecution in 306 A.D.
The seventh empire of the seven-headed beast to rise was the Holy Roman Empire, which reigned approximately one thousand years called the Dark Ages. Since prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment, Martin Luther personally experienced the beginning of the demise the seventh head of the beast, and we will share his evidence as we seek the truth about the seven-headed beast. So how do we explain the riddle at the beginning of this blog?
The eighth beast is of the seven - don't you love a good mystery? One common thread woven throughout all seven beast empires is Paganism. So the beast that was is Paganism. If the Eighth Beast is of the seven he also symbolizes Paganism. So what does the text mean when it says this beast is not?
Once the Holy Roman Empire was defeated, the Paganism it practiced is not any longer. The mighty Reformation of Martin Luther crushed Paganism after he published the Bible for the common man to read, and find out the truth about salvation, and many other important Biblical topics. So Paganism was no longer embraced by the majority of worldwide citizens. Paganism is not. But Paganism didn't go away, it only received a temporary knockout punch.
It took about three centuries for the church of Jesus Christ to divide into many denominations, returning to familiar rituals and ceremonies - works of the flesh - for salvation. Spiritual complacency and legalism - men's rules and regulations - put out the passionate fire of the Reformation, and later the Great Awakening. Paganism reared its ugly head again, precipitating the rise of the Eighth Beast who is of the paganism of the previous empires.
The Eighth Beast distinguishes himself from the other seven beasts in two ways - (1) he is not identified as a king with an empire (2) only thing in common is Paganism. This is the power that is ruling every government on the face of the earth today. You are personally living under the global rule of the Eighth Beast of Paganism at this time.
The Globalists, who rule all governments on planet earth, collaborate under many different names, such as, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve Bankers, Carnegie Foundation, and so many more. But I think you get the idea - collectively they embrace Paganism - the Eighth Beast - who is going to perdition according to our text.
This riddle is solved, but there is so much more to reveal about the beasts of Revelation. Stay tined...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Part 6 - Riddles, Engimas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation
When we were last together I left you with the question, "Did Francisco's commentary of 1590 dissuade the massive Protestant revolt as intended? The answer is NO. In 1591, one year after his fabricated end-time doctrine regarding the beast of Revelation was completed, Francisco de Ribera died. The great Reformation of Martin Luther raged on, unimpeded. So what happened to Francisco's false commentary?
Inadvertently, or providentially, the unpublished commentary was inserted in a Vulgate Bible, and lost to the archives of time in the Church of England. The public never read it. But 300 years after the passionate fires of the Reformation revival ebbed to mere embers, the Christian church had divided itself into many denominations, due to infighting and squabbling over the interpretation of the scriptures.
A form of godliness, denying the power of the early church permeated the body of Christ worldwide, where the miraculous was rarely demonstrated any longer. The religious fervor for intimacy with Christ was reduced to complacency and religious ceremonies, so they were ripe for deception.
In 1826, 300 years after Luther's Reformation began, a lawyer became librarian of the Church of England. During his tenure he found Francisco's commentary tucked away in the Vulgate Bible. The lawyer, John Darby, was so impressed with this commentary that he immediately got it published. But later, Mr. Darby added a few ideas to Francisco's body of work, which he gleaned from other authors of his day.
In his research of the writings of his contemporaries he found the new revelation of the Rapture theory. This theory originated during the Scottish revival of 1830, when a sickly bedridden woman named Margaret MacDonald had a vision which showed her that the Lord's return would be in two stages. The first stage would be a secret Rapture, and the second stage He will return for His millennial reign on the earth.
When a person receives a revelation, it must have a scriptural foundation in order to confirm that it is from God. But if a person changes scripture in order to prove his revelation is from God, he has just embraced deception.
It was these fabricated end-time theories from which Mr. Darby formulated his unscriptural viewpoint, that Europe denounced. Modern scholars sought long and hard to fit the new found ideas of Francisco de Ribera and Margaret MacDonald into a scriptural foundation. Then along comes
Cyrus Scofield. What he gleaned from the writings of Mr. Darby and other contemporaries, enabled him to become the scriptural architect of the end-time doctrine of the modern church, when he published these new revelations in the Scofield Bible Commentary in 1909.
Now you know the origin of the Antichrist doctrine and the Rapture theory. Isn't historically documented truth a bit pesky - it will eventually surface? When people want to promote fanciful imaginations they simply revise history. When they repeat the revised version over and over again, publish it in books and preach it over the airwaves, the revision becomes the "new" truth, and the new generations of people aren't the wiser.
The only way a spiritual lie can become truth is when the people stop seeking the Truth Giver. The glitz and prosperity of the world, where men desire important positions and the accolades it offers, will suffocate the truth of recorded Biblical history - especially the very clear end-time parables of Jesus Christ.
"The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and it is of the seven, and is going to perdition"...Rev. 17:11. Don't you just love a good riddle? I do, especially when it is solvable...and this one is easy to solve. Has anyone ever told you about the reign of the Eighth Beast? Well...hold onto your seats...this will be a fun ride. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question..
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