Sunday, July 27, 2014

Mark of the Beast - Part 18 of Riddles, Enigmas & Eosteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I began the Mark of the Beast Series. If you missed it, please read Part 17 of my blog, so you can find out how to keep your study of Revelation in context - don't remove one sentence and make a future end time doctrine from it. We found out that it is the image of the beast that says, no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name...Rev. 13:17.
He causes receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead...Rev. 13:16. What does the symbolism of the right hand or the forehead tell us? Remember, once we define the symbolism, the message wrapped up in it will be revealed. The Holy Roman Empire is the image of the beast that demands this mark - is it visible or invisible?
The right hand of a human being symbolizes his power and authority over his service, labor, or works. The forehead symbolizes the mind of a human being - decisions are made with his mind. The allegiance of a human being - whom he will worship - is determined by his mind, which mirrors the condition of his heart. The works of his hands will reflect the decisions made by his mind (forehead).
When a citizen of the Holy Roman Empire surrendered his allegiance to them, his mind and service - works of his hands - reflected his total allegiance to the empire. Allegiance to the Holy Roman Empire - false god - is the invisible mark of the beast. Allegiance to anyone or anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ is the invisible mark of the beast.
If the heart (spirit) of a human being is transformed through the blood of Jesus Christ, his mind will surrender its allegiance to Him. His allegiance to Jesus Christ will produce righteous service (works) through his hands. Jesus said, by their fruits you will know them...Matt. 7:20. This is the mark of God and it is invisible.
Did you know that the Prophet Ezekiel saw angels apply the invisible mark of God on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it?...Ez. 9:4. God's people who abhor sin, rather than condone it, cry and weep before God to intervene, because their allegiance (mind) is to Him alone. Their allegiance to God is revealed in the fruit of their works - hands - service. This is the mark of God.
Therefore you shall lay up these words of Mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes...Deut. 11:18. The symbolism of the mind (soul) and hand was used in this text by Moses to explain to his people the importance of their allegiance to God, and how it was demonstrated in his day.
Moses is telling the people, if they will bind God's word to their hand as a sign, and lay up His words in their heart and mind (soul), His words will be as frontlets between their eyes. Frontlets describe a protective covering around the mind. The only protective covering for the blood-bought follower of the Christ is the Word of God...who will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon thee...Is. 26:3.
Moses is telling the people that surrendering their allegiance to God gives Him permission to provide for their needs and protection, just as He did before sin interrupted their relationship with Him. If they do not keep their mind focused (frontlets) on the Word of God, the works of their hands in the fields will yield no produce, because He will stop the rain from the heavens and they will perish...Deut. 11:17. In other words - they will not be able to buy or sell because their allegiance is no longer surrendered to God alone.
This Biblical historical foundation is so important in explaining our subject - Mark of the Beast. Because of the modern viewpoint on the Mark of the Beast, people believe it is a new concept that will only apply to a few people in some distant future. Next week we will find out how men of ancient Israel affirmed their allegiance to God symbolized by a mark on their forehead and hand. Yes, we will eventually get to the definition of 666. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Part 17 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I left you with the question, "What does historical documentation reveal about the Mark of the Beast?" If you have carefully followed this series, you know that I place the visions of Revelation sequentially, according to their fulfillment as verified by historical documentation - the subject of the Mark of the Beast is no different. What is different you have never read in any book or heard taught by any denomination, because they all believe the Mark of the Beast is a future experience.

This is such an important subject with so much information, that it will take me awhile to reveal to you all the documentation, so you will be able to see clearly for yourself what is the truth of the matter. Since I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1972 I have searched the Bible and church historians for truth. So much that is taught seems to be men's ideas, so I ask a lot of questions - I hope you do too.

In 1972-4, as I was embarking on this spiritual journey I immediately heard about some evil Antichrist figure that would someday take over the world. He would require everyone to take his mark, otherwise they could not buy or sell...and...anyone who took this mark would go to Hell! Wow...scary! In the 20th century these scholars said that the mark was a stamp on their forehead or hand with the numbers 666 - much like the stamp Hitler put on the victims of the holocaust. Now they have changed their minds - it is a chip implant, not a stamp...hmmm.

I had read Revelation and saw where it was described:  He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their hand or on their foreheads...Rev. 13:16. I could read for myself that sequentially the Mark of the Beast" was connected to the image of the beast. When I asked any of these scholars, how could the Mark of the Beast be in the far future, when it is connected to the image of the beast, who is one of the empires of the seven-headed beast - fulfilled prophecy?

Do you know the answer they gave? The seven-headed beast prophecy has not come to pass - it is in the future. Wow...that defies the historical documentation that I have carefully outlined in past weeks to you, proving the seven-headed beast prophecy has been faithfully fulfilled.

In the early 70's when I was searching for the truth about the Mark of the Beast, I did not know then, what I can prove to you in the ensuing weeks of this blog. But one thing I did know - these scholars did not have the truth of the matter of the seven-headed beast - so how could they have the truth about the Mark of the Beast since these two subjects were connected at the hip?

In part 13 of this blog, we provided clear documentation to prove that the image of the beast was the Holy Roman Empire. The image of the beast demanded, that the allegiance the people of the kingdom once surrendered to the Imperial Roman Empire, now be transferred to them. - if they did not they would be imprisoned, tortured, or murdered.

In our study text, he - the image - causes all to receive a mark...that no one may buy of sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name...Rev. 13:17. Contextually, the Mark of the Beast cannot be separated from the image of the beast, who is the Holy Roman Empire.

One thing I learned early in Bible research - do not take a scripture out of context - unless by doing so it will not lose its identity with the context of the chapter!  Cyrus Scofield in his 1909 Bible commentary, took all end-time prophecy out of context, but the Bible scholars of the 20th century, threw away important research principles in order to accept his fanciful concepts - now embraced by every radio and television preacher - myriad of authors in modern times. It is mind-boggling to me.

So let's keep asking questions.  Now we can see for ourselves that the Mark of the Beast was revealed through the Holy Roman Empire. What kind of mark could this empire put on the hand or forehead of their citizens? What does this mark look like - is it visible or invisible? Is the Mark of the Beast physical or spiritual?

Remember - in the Revelation - Jesus is showing John His spiritual kingdom of Heaven - the spiritual side of the happenings on the earth. We will learn in this study the spiritual definition of the Mark of the Beast. Once we define the symbolism for the hand and the forehead the message wrapped up in 666 will clearly unfold to you. Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Part 16 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

Tornado Meets Rainbow

When we were last together I explained how Emperor Constantine had bestowed upon the papacy at Rome the full power and authority of Imperial Rome, when he moved his seat of power to Constantinople. Constantine helped establish the Orthodox Church which did not worship a pope, but rather sought Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins. Their priests were allowed to marry.

After Constantine died in 337 A.D., the papacy began its evolution into the Holy Roman Empire - 7th head of the seven-headed beast, according to Martin Luther...Rev. 17:1-18. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed...Rev. 13:12. How does the 7th head of the beast exercise the authority of the 6th head of the beast - in his presence?

While Emperor Constantine had his seat of power at Rome, he gradually imparted to the papacy his power and authority. He gave them over a hundred acres to establish their religious institutions, while he was making plans to move away. While Constantine was training the papacy, the papacy required their followers to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Remember - part 12 of this study explained whose deadly wound was healed - the sixth head of the beast. You may want to read again to refresh your memory.

While the papacy had not become an empire as yet, Constantine helped to establish their his presence. During the reign of the 6th head of the beast, the seventh head of the beast was developing a religious/secular government, ready to take over as an empire at just the right time.

The "fall of Rome" that we commonly hear about is the western portion of the Imperial Roman Empire in 476 A.D., when Emperor Romulus was defeated by the first barbarian to rule the empire. The eastern portion, established by Emperor Constantine, did not fall until 1453 A.D. With the fall of Imperial Rome at Rome, came the rise of the Holy Roman Empire - 7th head of the seven-headed beast (dragon) - dragon symbolizes the power of Satan.

Now that the Holy Roman Empire reigns, he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven in the sight of men...Rev. 13:13. Since Holy Rome is the mirror image of Imperial Rome, it demanded reverence and obedience from the citizens. Since the Pope declares himself to be "God on earth" he must convince the people that his authority and supernatural powers were granted from above - symbolized by he even makes fire come down from heaven.

The average citizen in this time period could not read or write, so were not able to disprove any supernatural declaration made by this empire. The power and authority of the Holy Roman Empire rapidly advanced across the planet with the fury of a range fire, requiring the citizens of numerous countries they had invaded with their false doctrine, to submit to their authority.

Since Emperor Constantine granted power and breath to the image of the beast - Holy Roman Empire - it would cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed...Rev. 13:15. This reference reveals that the image of the beast requires worship - or be killed.

Over the decades enormous wealth was procured by this empire, allowing it to become a formidable contender in the world market and finance - unprecedented world revered power and authority. Properties, both real and personal, were confiscated from citizens who were condemned as heretics, because they refused to give their allegiance to the Holy Roman Empire - imprisonment, torture, and death were the consequences.

The Dark Ages had begun - thousand-year reign of the ruthless Holy Roman Empire. He causes all, both, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their hand or on their foreheads...Rev. 13:16. What does historical documentation reveal about the 'mark of the beast'? Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Part 15 - Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together, Emperor Constantine had seen in a dream the replica of a cross, which Jesus told him to use to replace his Roman standard. He made his new standard from gold and precious jewels, then marched with his army toward Rome and the battle with Emperor Maxentius. Demons had advised Maxentius how to win the war, but Jesus Christ had advised Constantine how to win the war.
As the battle raged on, Maxentius and his army found themselves retreating, unable to sustain against the advancing strength of Constantine and his army. Remember the trap that Maxentius plotted for the death of Constantine? Well, with no time to strategize another defense against the overwhelming power of Constantine's army, Maxentius and his army found themselves inadvertently backing onto the faulty bridge he had built to trap his enemies, because it was the closest avenue of escape to his compound in the city of Rome.
Emperor Maxentius and his army plunged into the icy waters of the Tiber River, when the bridge collapsed beneath them. The weight of his armor anchored Maxentius under the water until he drowned. This ended nearly three hundred years of Imperial Rome's persecution of the Christians. The prophecy of the ten horns - ten kings - of the sixth head of the beast was now fulfilled.
The Christians were so thrilled with Constantine's victory, they brought him to Rome to celebrate for seven days. In the market place, they erected an image of him holding a cross in his right hand with the inscription, "With this wholesome sign, the true token of fortitude, I have rescued and delivered our city from the yoke of the tyrant."
Constantine restored property to the Christians that had been confiscated during the previous persecutions. Eventually he provided government funds to rebuild the churches that Dioclesian, Maximian, and Maxentius had unscrupulously obliterated. The fervor of Christianity flourished with freedom provided by Constantine.
Emperor Constantine found it a difficult task to persuade the Roman populous to surrender to Jesus Christ. Constantine had ordered that no pagan deities be allowed to be worshiped in his kingdom, nor even their names spoken. But for centuries these people had worshiped hundreds of deities, including the Caesars, and were resistant to acknowledging only one God - Jesus Christ.
In order to accommodate the commands of Constantine, the pagans simply renamed their deities with more acceptable Christian titles. For example:  Nimrod the Sun God, founder of demon worship of the Babylonian religious system, had a wife named Semiramis called the Queen of Heaven - intercessor for the people. She claimed that her son, Tammuz, was the fulfillment of the Genesis prophecy regarding the coming Messiah.
Artists of the Babylonian era portrayed her with her son on her lap, and the glory light around their heads.  By the time Constantine freed the Christians, the leadership of Christianity had already commingled the paganism of Rome with Christianity. To comply with the requirements of Constantine, the Christian leadership changed the name of the Queen of Heaven to Mary, and her son to Jesus.
Semiramiis had been worshiped as Queen of Heaven, now she became Mary, who would be worshiped as Queen of Heaven - intercessor for the people. This was the beginning of Mary worship, proclaiming her to be the intercessor for mankind, rather than Jesus Christ. Artists now placed the glory light around the heads of Mary and Jesus.
It was during this time when Constantine became impatient with the persistent paganism in Rome. He moved his seat of power - capitol - to the farthest eastern portion of his empire. He renamed the city of Byzantine to Constantinople, where Christianity was practiced freely.
He left the western portion of his empire at Rome in the hands of the papacy, whom he believed would protect and preserve Christianity. He was unaware that Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven, had already evolved into Mary, Queen of Heaven in order to meet his requirements. It was during this transforming period of history that Jesus Christ, who is divine, became merely an intangible deity to be revered - but never approached - by the emerging Holy Roman Empire.
After the death of Constantine in 337 A.D., the empowerment he bestowed upon the papacy in Rome, eventually evolved into an oligarchy. This oligarchy would soon be identified with the seventh head of the seven-headed beast in our study.
The Holy Roman Empire arises with full power and authority that was granted to it by Emperor Constantine. Rome was the seat of power for the Imperial Roman Empire, and now it is the seat of power for the Holy Roman Empire, who is the mirror image of Imperial Rome. This is the fulfillment of...then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon...Rev. 13:11.
The two-horned beast merely symbolizes apostate religion and its unholy alliance with secular government. The lamb metaphorically symbolizes Christianity, while the dragon metaphorically symbolizes a serpent (Satan), who speaks for the beast. Constantine, representing the sixth head of the beast, granted power to give breath to the image of the beast...Rev. 13:15. The image of the beast is the Holy Roman Empire - seventh head of the beast.
And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed...Rev. 13:12. this a fun riddle to solve? And we will...stay tuned.
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question.