Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mark of the Beast - Part 22 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I asked you "how did Martin Luther define 666." He lived to see the fulfillment of Revelation chapters 13 and 17 where a seven-headed beast is depicted. In his Bible, Luther drew a tiara on the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, which says Vicarious Son of God. The seventh head - empire - was the Holy Roman Empire, the image of the beast according to Martin Luther.
We know that prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment, so we should pay attention to the historical documentation left by Martin Luther. 666 = the sum total of human achievement. Martin Luther was a priest, who personally experienced the secrets of the Holy Roman Empire, and chose to expose their hypocrisy to the people, rather than continue to defraud them. Because of their worldwide prestige and dominance, nations feared the power and authority of the Holy Roman Empire, so the secret sins of the leadership were easily covered up. Luther blew off the cover.
Millions of people blindly followed the religious leadership of this empire without question -- deceived by the outward appearance of righteousness - but many authors meticulously documented their immorality, sexual perversion, idolatry, drunken reveling, orgies, lying, stealing and covetousness. Those brave souls who declared the truth about the empire were excommunicated, imprisoned, tortured, or murdered.
The common folks of the 1000-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire - Dark Ages - had no access to the scriptures, preventing them from reading the truth about Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation. The mass liturgy was recited in Latin, while the interpretation supplied by the prelates must be accepted as infallible, even though it was skewed by them. It is interesting to note that Latin is called the mystery language. The word Latin is derived from the word lateo meaning:  lie hid.
The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues...and the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth...Rev. 17:15 & 17. Luther knew he was experiencing the fulfillment of the harlot, apostate leadership of the Holy Roman Empire, who rules over multitudes worldwide. The woman in this text symbolizes paganism - that great city of Rome, the pagan capitol of the Holy Roman Empire that reigns over kings of the earth.
I am so sorry that the modern church has chosen to ignore the historical documentation of hundreds of authors, who exposed the sins of this empire, otherwise we would understand how most of John's revelations have already been fulfilled, such as, I saw a woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when  I saw her, I marveled with great amazement...Rev. 17:6.
Since the woman symbolizes paganism, we know that the religious leadership of the Holy Roman Empire - harlot - represents paganism. So what does it mean to be drunk with the blood of the saints? The apostate religious leadership of the Holy Roman Empire was intoxicated with their own power and authority over the lives of all their subjects around the world - power to destroy the lives of any rebellious dissenters of the faith.
The unscrupulous acts of these religious leaders were persistently exposed by courageous Christians, hurling public accusations against them. These faithful followers of Jesus Christ were imprisoned, tortured, or burned at the stake. Millions of true Christians succumbed to the cruelty and murderous rampage of the harlot, who became drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus Christ.
...And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns...and on her forehead a name was written:  Mystery Babylon the Great - the Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth...Rev. 17:3 & 5.  Martin Luther personally saw the fulfillment of this scripture and revealed it in his historical writings. By doing so, he became the empires' worst nightmare.
The forehead symbolizes our allegiance to the one we worship - Mark of the Beast or Mark of God (666). How did Martin Luther identify the blasphemous names on this woman's forehead with the Holy Roman Empire? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mark of the Beast - Part 21 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

Glacier Park Montana
When we were last together I asked if your life reveals the Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God? From the Biblical definition of the Mark of the Beast, along with historical documentation, we now know that the "mark" is an invisible spiritual designation on the life of a human being. The Revelation of Jesus Christ explains the spiritual side of the happenings in the physical realm, and who is the power behind the works of human beings - God or Satan. We will be known by our spiritual fruits.
During the reign of the Imperial Roman Empire total allegiance from the people was required, otherwise they would be tortured, imprisoned, or murdered. When the Holy Roman Empire rose to power, combing secular government with ecclesiastical authority, this same allegiance from the people was required or they would be tortured, imprisoned, or murdered.
The God to whom a human being surrenders his allegiance is revealed by the works of his life. When we evaluate our own motives, thoughts, words, and deeds we will see clearly if our life reveals the Mark of God (humility) or the Mark of the Beast (prideful). Seeking fame, fortune and accolades from the world clearly reveals what invisible "mark" is on our life. Weeping over the sins of our family, friends, and nation because sin separates them from their loving Creator, while praying for God to bring them into His kingdom, also reveals what invisible "mark" is on our life...Ez. 9:1-11.
666 was first mentioned in Revelation is wisdom...let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man:  His number is 666. Our study has revealed that the definition of the number 6 is:  the sum total of human achievement. Allegiance to sin, paganism, and immorality is the Mark of the Beast. Without Jesus Christ, the sum total of human achievement is death and Hell -- 666.
In Revelation chapter 13 it is the image of the beast who first symbolized the Mark of the Beast. This is the Holy Roman Empire. If we keep our definition of 666 in context, the chapter will give us understanding of the symbolism, then the message will be made clear.
The Holy Roman Empire is the seventh head (kingdom) of the seven-headed beast. The dragon, who has seven heads, symbolizes Satan who has power and authority over all seven kingdoms. Satan represents the paganism that is practiced by all seven heads (kingdoms).  The Holy Roman Empire is represented by a man...his number is 666 -- the sum total of human achievement - Mark of the Beast.
The Latin, Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic alphabets all have numerical values. Let me give you an example. In the Greek alphabet the Letter L = 30, the letter A = 1, and so forth.  In the Hebrew alphabet the letter R = 200, the letter O = 6, and so get the picture.
Do you remember much earlier when we studied about Martin Luther's experience with the Holy Roman Empire? At that time we revealed that during the Pope's inauguration, the crown placed on his head bore the title "Vicarious Son of God." This title in the Latin language is Vicarius Filii Dei with a total numerical value of 666.
Every mass in the Holy Roman Empire was spoken in Latin, so the prelates became known as the Latin Man. "Latin Man" in the Greek language is lateinos with a total numerical value of 666. Roman Man was another moniker often used by the populous to refer to the Pope. "Roman Man" in the Hebrew language is romiti with a total numerical value of 666.
The religious system of the HolyRoman Empire personified apostasy.  The word "apostasy" in the Greek language is apostates with a total numerical value of 666.
The first Roman emperor to persecute the Christians was Nero Caesar. This name in the Aramaic language is nron ksr with a total numerical value of 666. The two empires - Imperial Rome and Holy Rome - have one major wicked trait in common...Paganism - Mark of the Beast.
It is not just the names I have listed as an example who symbolize 666 - the sum total of human achievement. Any human being who surrenders his allegiance to a god other than Jesus Christ, personifies the number 6 -- he is incomplete without God. By surrendering his allegiance to the world, the flesh, and the devil, a human being automatically takes upon himself the Mark of the Beast - symbolized by man's number - 666. This an invisible spiritual mark on his life, revealed by the works of his hands, and the thoughts of his mind (forehead).
How did Martin Luther define 666? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without questions...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mark of the Beast - Part 20 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation


Since this is the 4th part of our Mark of the Beast Series, I have already explained that the beast kingdom reigning at the time the Mark of the Beast terminology was first introduced, was the Holy Roman Empire- 7th head of the seven-headed beast. We also know by now that the Mark of the Beast is an invisible mark because of its spiritual significance. Allegiance to the world (Satan) - paganism - is visually illustrated so we can better understand the spiritual message.
When we were last together we gave the Biblical history of the significance of the symbolism of the forehead and hand to describe our allegiance to God or the world (paganism). Once we define the metaphorical language and esoteric imagery in Revelation the message is revealed. Here is wisdom:  Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man:  His number is 666...Rev. 13:18. Don't you just love a good riddle...especially when it is so easily and clearly solved?
Do you remember the two-horned beast in part 11 of our study? His two horns and voice symbolized the merging of secular government with an ecclesiastical system of government. The two horns symbolize a lamb (Christian), but the beast had the voice of a dragon, revealing a transformation has taken place - 6th head of the beast evolved into the 7th head of the beast...Rev. 13:11-16.
Continuing in Revelation chapter 13, we find the two-horned beast is revealed by symbolism - 666. The Mark of the Beast is revealed during the reign of the Holy Roman Empire - pagan religion. Numbers in the Bible have symbolic meaning. Defining the meaning of the numbers used in scripture, especially prophecy of scripture, clears up any ambiguities in the message.
What does the number 6 mean? It is defined as -- the sum total of human achievement. There is no mystery here. The number six, simply put, is man's number, just as the number seven is God's number. Compound the number 6, as in 666, simply illustrates that no matter how much a human being accomplishes through his own worldly efforts, his sum total value goes no higher than six in the language of numbers. 
The Bible tells us that man was created on the 6th day of the creation of the world. The number six symbolized that the sum total of man was incomplete until God breathed life into him. - then he became one-with-God. When mankind sinned against God he stood alone once again - the sum total of his achievements are symbolized by the number 6.
God anointed Solomon as King to replace King David on the throne of Israel. Eventually King Solomon grievously disobeyed God by having multiple wives, whom he permitted to worship their own pagan gods. With all of the fame and fortune bestowed upon him by God, Solomon's achievements were assessed by the number six - sum total of man's achievements - incomplete without God. How do I know this?
The annual income for King Solomon was calculated at 666 talents of gold...I Kings 10:14. The weight of his gold was 25 tons. This is a lot of money, even in our day. So we can see that 666 simply represents - the sum total of Solomon's human achievements - incomplete without God.
In Revelation, it is the Holy Roman Empire - image of the beast - who causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead...Rev. 13:16. This empire personifies the number 666.
Only Jesus Christ can spiritually complete, or perfect a human being, thus raising his numerical value. Alone - a human being is always a number six - incomplete without Jesus Christ. By his allegiance, a human being chooses which invisible spiritual mark is revealed by the fruit of his life - Mark of the Beast or Mark of God.
Since a human being will never symbolize the number seven unless he becomes one-with-God, because only the number seven means complete - perfection - find out next week if your life  reveals the Mark of the Beast (666) or the Mark of God. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mark of the Beast - Part 19 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together we began to lay the foundation for the symbolic meaning of a mark on the forehead or on the hand. We have already explained in the last two blogs that the right hand of a human being symbolizes his power and authority over his service, labor, or works. The forehead symbolizes the mind of a human being - decisions are made with his mind.  The allegiance of a human being - whom he will worship - is determined by his mind, which mirrors the condition of his heart.
In ancient times, men of Israel who came to the temple for morning prayer would bind to their forehead and hand a small leather case containing a bit of scripture...a phylactery. This was a symbolic gesture, a vow to God, that their whole spirit, soul (mind), and body were surrendered to Him alone. With scripture, God's own words, symbolically covering the parts of their body vulnerable to temptation, they were demonstrating their allegiance to God - total reliance on Him for their very existence and preservation.
When a human being surrenders his allegiance to the pursuit of fame, fortune, titles attached to his name, prestige, honors, credit for work done, financial gain, self preservation, ministry, religious systems with men's doctrines, occultism, new age doctrines, psychics, atheism, politics - any lures of the world system - this is the Mark of the Beast.
God has a plan for every human being placed in him at the time of his conception...Psalm 139:16. By surrendering your allegiance to Jesus Christ, He will reveal His plan for your life on the earth, which will honor and glorify Him - not the world, your flesh, or the devil.
With your forehead (mind) and hand (works) focused on the pursuit of these things of the world, you display your allegiance to another god -- the Mark of the Beast.  Jesus said...every tree is known by his own fruit...Luke 6:44.  Some fruits of the Mark of the Beast are lying, greed, jealousy, envy, hatred, revenge, blame, self-seeking, arrogance, manipulation, threats, blackmail, betrayal, prideful, wars, chaos, destruction, power, privilege - forcing others to submit to your way - or else.
The ancient men of Israel knew very well the severe consequences for not surrendering their allegiance to God alone - the heavens would withhold its rain, the fields would no longer bear fruit, so they would no longer be able to buy or sell - instead - they would perish...Deut. 11:17.
You may be asking about now, "Why is God so hard-nosed about humans surrendering their allegiance to Him alone. Can't we have a little fun?" Adulterers and you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?...James 4:4.
Jesus told His apostles regarding Satan...the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy...John 10:10. God wants to protect us from the wiles of the Satan which would lead us to suffer his consequences - Lake of Fire. Developing intimacy with Jesus Christ will protect us from the traps set by our spiritual enemy, who wants us to be separated from God forever - Satan is not our friend! Only Jesus Christ has our best interests at heart!
As we have seen in this study thus far, the symbolism of the forehead and hand to demonstrate men's allegiance to God or allegiance to the world (Satan) is not a new concept - it is simply described with new terminology in the Revelation, where it is called for the first time - Mark of the Beast. This is because it is related to the paganism of the seven kingdoms of the seven-headed beast. There is no mystery here -- now that you know its origin in Biblical history.
Here is wisdom:  Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man:  His number is 666...Rev. 13:18. Hundreds of volumes have been written on the subject of 666, full of scary speculations, but sadly, all neglect what the Bible clearly reveals in its simplicity - if we keep it in context. Next week we will delve into the fascinating definition of 666. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...