Sunday, September 28, 2014

Locust Army - Part 26 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

This is our fourth and final segment on the identity of the Man of Sin...Son of Perdition...Lawless One - revealing how the Apostle Paul's prophecy on this subject was completely fulfilled during the 1000-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire...II Thes. 2:1-12.

When we were last together I asked if you knew what Paul meant when he said, that when the lawless one is revealed he will be destroyed...with the brightness of His coming...II Thes. 2:8.  Martin Luther ripped away the blanket of deception, revealing the Man of Sin, who controlled the Holy Roman empire, by publicly exposing his antichrist activities.

This apostate religious empire truly violated God's commandment to walk in His righteousness as leaders of His flock. Instead of teaching that a believer in Jesus Christ becomes the temple (residence) of God, the Pope became the temple of God. Their followers were required to worship an antichrist in a man-made temple of God. Only the leadership had access to the scriptures, which was imperative to preserve their lies.

In 1522 Martin Luther printed a Bible for the common man to read the truth about salvation. In this Bible Luther had pictures. On the head of the woman sitting on the scarlet beast, he drew the papal tiara, indicting that this vision was fulfilled by the paganism of the Man of Sin, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire...Rev. 17:3

When the people read for themselves that they had been taught a counterfeit Christianity, they bolted from the empire. There was a mass exodus of millions of people, all over the world, stampeding out of the Dark Ages of false religious doctrines, because of the brightness of His coming to the people who had never heard that salvation was a free gift from God.

The light of God's truth exposed the dark doctrines of demons that had led men away from Jesus Christ. When light is shed upon darkness, the darkness - Man of Sin - is taken out of the way, just as Paul predicted...II Thes. 2:7. The great Reformation advanced because the truth preached by God's faithful servants repudiated the lies, superstitions, tyranny, and terror that had ruled spiritually ignorant men during the Dark Ages.

The Man of Sin exalted himself above all that is called God, becoming God on Earth to the citizens of the Holy Roman Empire, who were required to worship him. By the preaching of the true gospel of salvation during the great Reformation, the Man of Sin was...consumed with the breath of His mouth and destroyed with the brightness of His coming. The light of God's truth had come to the people living in the darkness of a false religious doctrine.

The new believers in Christ were called Protestants - protesters of false religious doctrines - and established their own churches free from the rule of the Holy Roman Empire. Because people were reading the Bible, they were accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and sharing this truth with others, causing this movement to spread like wildfire across the globe

Revival broke out everywhere and nothing could contain it. The eventual collapse of this empire was inevitable, as the Man of Sin gradually lost his power and influence. Through the mighty Reformation, Paganism was crushed for a period of time, as people across the planet reveled in their new-found joy of the Lord and His salvation. The seventh head (empire) of the seven-headed beast was now defeated. 

It took about three centuries for the church to divide into many denominations, causing them to return to familiar rituals and ceremonies - works of the flesh - for salvation. The passionate fires of the Reformation, and subsequent Great Awakening, was eventually reduced to mere embers.  Because of this, Paganism reared its ugly head again, precipitating the rise of the Eighth Beast, who is ruling every government on planet earth in the 21st century.

While I described the Eighth Beast in Part 7 of this study, there is more about the works of this beast, and who it is using as its 'muscle' to subdue and/or eliminate global citizens. As we proceed, I will define the esoteric imagery and symbolism used to reveal who the 8th beast is using to cause the global citizens to submit to its power and authority - or die!

Who are the Locusts from the Bottomless pit in Revelation chapter 9?  Hint:  they are a violent and vicious army.  How does the Locust Army correlate with the dragon, beast, and false prophet of the river Euphrates territory in Revelation chapter 16?   Hint:  a revered prophets' false religious doctrine originated in the territory of the river Euphrates. Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Man of Sin (3) - Part 25 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together we continued our study of the identity of the Man of Sin, as revealed by the Apostle Paul in his prophecy recorded in II Thessalonians Chapter 2. The subject of Paul's prophecy is...concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him...verse 1.

The believers he is speaking to wanted to know when Jesus would return for them, so Paul is explaining...that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition...verse 3. Then Paul says...and now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time...verse 6.

If we keep Paul's prophecy in context, with the subject of his message the return of Jesus, we will understand that he is delineating to the believers...what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time.  Jesus is being restrained from returning, because the falling away has not as yet occurred, and the Man of Sin has not been revealed when Paul spoke this prophecy.

The Apostle Paul continues to describe "what is restraining" the return of Jesus Christ in verse 7 & 8...for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way...and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

Twenty five years ago, when my prayer partner and editor of my manuscript first discussed Paul's prophecy, which had been misinterpreted in the commentary of the Scofield  Study Bible, and countless others that copied from him, she said, "Studying this prophecy contextually and diagramming the sentences correctly sheds light on the truth of the message. But, hearing the false interpretation of it in every church I have attended, has created a groove - deep rut - that is hard to fill in with the truth that I now see. When you hear only one end time doctrine over and over your whole Christian life, it is challenging to replace it - even with the truth - it feels awkward."

Let's summarize what Paul has said so far.

1.    Who is restrained? -- Jesus Christ
2.    What is restraining? -- falling away and the Man of Sin - lawless one
3.    Who will be revealed in his own time? -- Jesus Christ

According to Paul's prophecy, the mystery of lawlessness was already at work in his society. This lawlessness would define the Man of Sin, who will restrain the return of Jesus Christ -- until the Man of Sin is taken out of the way...who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God...verse 4.

The falling  away must come first - what does this mean? It means that believers will abandon the faith of their forefathers - apostasy. While every era of history records great apostasy, including the 21st century, never in recorded history has there ever been a protracted falling away of the faith, than during the thousand-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire -- Dark Ages.

No one will understand the identity of Man of Sin...until he is taken out of the way...verse 7.  How is he taken out of the way? The Man of Sin...the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming...verse 8. What does this mean?

The Man of Sin will be taken out of the way because he will be consumed with the breath of God's mouth. When God speaks - breath of His mouth - it is His word that comes forth to our ears. The great Reformation was kindled because the truth (breath) of God's word was revealed and received by the spiritually ignorant  populous for the first time in a thousand years. While faithful believers had preached God's truth during this protracted period of apostasy, it was not time for God to expose the Man of Sin until 1517.

The preaching of the gospel by God's very brave servants, symbolized the 'breath of His mouth' by the truth they were speaking in God's stead. Jesus called men to preach His word, which will reveal and consume, false religious doctrines - light of the truth extinguishes the darkness of lies.

What did Paul mean in this prophecy when he said the lawless one will be revealed and...the Lord will...destroy with the brightness of His coming? Stay tuned...

God's sheep question men's doctrines...sheeple follow without question...


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Man of Sin (2) - Part 24 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together we began our study of the identity of the Man of Sin...who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God...II Thes. 2:4. Since this extensive study reveals historical documentation that proves the majority of John's visions have been fulfilled, there is one empire that fulfills this prophecy - the Holy Roman Empire's 1000-year reign as God on Earth.
In this prophecy, the Apostle Paul says that the Man of Sin...sits as God in the temple of God. Where is the temple that the Man of Sin sits as God? Once we define the word temple our understanding will be enlightened. The word temple in the original Greek language is vaos meaning:  to dwell in the sacred place; Holy of Holies - where God dwells.
The Apostle Paul asked new you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?...I Cor. 3:16. When Jesus Christ became the blood sacrifice for the sins of mankind, He offered men the opportunity to become the temple or dwelling place of God forever - but men must choose to allow God into his heart and become the place - where God dwells. There will never again be a temple made by the hands of men - bricks & mortar - where God will dwell. God does not regress.
During the 1000-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire the leadership taught the spiritually ignorant masses that the Pope was the temple of God, showing himself to be God - an act reserved for God alone in the Holy of Holies. The scriptures clearly reveal that a believer in Jesus Christ becomes the temple of God. But the false religious doctrine of the Holy Roman Empire taught that God resided in the Pope, so the people must come to him for atonement for their sins - thus he became the temple of God that Paul is talking about.
No wonder the thousand-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire was dubbed with the not so eloquent euphemism - Dark Ages. The populous truly was kept in the dark about the liberating truths of the Bible.
As we continue with the Apostle Paul's prophecy regarding the Man of Sin (Thes. 2:1-12), he tells believers that the return of Jesus Christ...will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed...the son of perdition. The Christians in Paul's day, as well as Paul himself, expected the Lord to return in their time, so he gave them two signs - prophecies - that must precede His return. We have already identified the Man of Sin. What does falling away mean?
Falling away means that believers will abandon the faith of their forefathers - apostasy. Paul in his prophecy inextricably linked together the Man of Sin with the Son of Perdition. Perdition means:  ruin or loss; damnable; pernicious ways. While every era has apostasy including the 21st century, never in recorded history has there ever been a protracted falling  away of the faith, than during the 1000-year reign of the Holy Roman Empire.
We must keep our study of Thessalonians chapter 2 in context, so that we will understand the meaning of Paul's prophecy. In verse 1, Paul says...concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him... So the main subject of his explanation, the return of Jesus Christ and Day of Judgment, began in chapter 1 -- so begin reading here.
This will help us understand what Paul meant in verse 6...and now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. This short statement by Paul creates three questions.
1.   Who is restrained?
2.   What is restraining?
3.   Who will be revealed in his own time?
For the answers to these three questions, as revealed in chapter 2...stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Man of Sin - Part 23 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I asked you, "How did Martin Luther identify the blasphemous names on the woman's forehead with the Holy Roman Empire?" The woman was sitting on the scarlet beast with names on her forehead:  Mystery Babylon the Great - the Mother of Harlots and of the Abomination of the Earth...Rev. 15:5. Martin Luther wasn't politically correct - he simply revealed the fulfillment of certain Revelation visions because he personally experienced their fulfillment.
Martin Luther grew up in the darkness of a false religion doctrine, but when an aged Friar opened his eyes to the truth of salvation as a free gift, the light of the truth opened his eyes. By proclaiming this truth publicly, he knew he was stepping on the toes of the elite rulers of his day, but he threw caution to the wind in order to inform the citizens of this empire.
Looking back 500 years with 20/20 vision, many modernists love to point out Luther's flaws, thus discounting the truth of the Reformation, and the marvelous spiritual transformation of millions of people who bolted out of the Dark Ages into the light of Jesus Christ that was faithfully revealed by him. No single human being has all truth, but God has strategically placed certain individuals in history, and in modern times, and anointed them with a pivotal spiritual message.
The modern view point on the end time doctrine has completely discounted the historic pivotal message of Martin Luther. Martin Luther proved that the seventh head of the seven-headed beast in Revelation was the Holy Roman Empire, proving the fulfillment of John's vision on this subject. But today all you hear from the pulpit, television and radio preachers, and myriad of books is that Revelation from chapter 4 on has not been fulfilled. Ignoring historically documented facts has led the modern church into deception.
Martin Luther knew that the Holy Roman Empire symbolized the Mother of Harlots when he placed the crown worn by the pope on her head in his drawing of Revelation 17 - woman sitting on scarlet beast - in his Bible published for the common man to read. The word harlot means prostitute - whore. This reference has a spiritual application, which means to 'fall away' from God.
When the Holy Roman Empire took on the persona of "God on Earth" they prostituted themselves from Jesus Christ, misrepresenting Him to the citizens of their vast empire - thus causing their citizens to prostitute themselves by serving 'another god' - idolatry.  Martin Luther knew clearly that the Holy Roman Empire was Mystery Babylon the Great - Mother of Harlots. Babylon symbolizes idolatry. Prophecy of scripture is understood in its fulfillment.
Martin Luther also knew that the blasphemous names written on the forehead of this woman, who represented paganism, symbolized her allegiance to the idolatry of the Holy Roman Empire. - mark of the beast. Remember, defining the symbolism, esoteric imagery, and metaphors of Revelation unlocks the message to us - no interpretation needed. Martin Luther did a good job of defining the symbolism of the seventh head of the seven-headed beast.
Let no man deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition...II Thes. 2:3. Who is the Man of Sin? The Apostle Paul continues in verse 4 with the description of the Man of Sin. He says, ...who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
Does this description sound familiar? Did Martin Luther have it right all along? After Jesus Christ arose from the dead, and the church began, there has been no church leader in Christianity, who dared to exalt himself about all that is called God. Yet, from the outset of the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope(s) called himself the Vicarious Son of God and Another God on earth, historically documented by Luther.
When we define the meaning of the word temple in verse 4 above, we will better understand the identity of the person, who sits as God in the temple of God. Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...