Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fate of Locust Army - Part 30 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

The messages and warnings of Revelation are locked up in the symbols, metaphors, idioms and esoteric imagery. Once these are defined voila your understanding is clear and precise. It seems that when Jesus shared the visions of Revelation chapters 9 and 16, which correlate, He wanted to make sure we understood the nature of this false religious empire, because He described them with profound detail.

When we were last together we read that the Locust Army was commanded not to harm (hurt) the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree...Rev. 9:4. The word hurt means:  to be unjust. The Locust Army could not treat unjustly those people that had the seal of God on their foreheads. What does this mean?

In the countries of the territory of the Euphrates River, the violent religious doctrine that produced the Locust Army, has ruled through the kings of these countries. For centuries they have murdered or enslaved Christians with impunity.

But, in countries where a different religious doctrine ruled, the Locust Army was prevented from establishing their superiority, by God. In these other countries across the planet, the Locust Army could not hurt anyone with the seal of God on their foreheads. This symbolism describes people who have surrendered their allegiance to Jesus Christ. These people influenced the governments of the other countries, preventing infiltration by the Locust Army. These people could not be hurt by the Locust army. 

At the genesis of this religious empire in the seventh century, there were geographical limitations placed on their progress, by God. The birth place of the Locust Army was the region of the Euphrates River. For centuries the Locust Army would only be allowed to torment and subdue the citizens of this region.

The seven churches of Revelation were real churches established by the disciples of Jesus Christ in the area of the Euphrates River - modern Turkey. The cities in this territory, where the first Christian churches were established, were pagan societies. Christianity thrived by sharing that the only way to Heaven was through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

Sadly, in time, the church of Jesus Christ became enticed by the magical arts of paganism, and the fervor of true Christianity grew dim, precipitating the rise of the Locust Army empire in the 7th century. 

In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them - Rev. 9:6 - describes the overwhelming hopelessness this false religious empire imposes on its followers. Those who surrender their allegiance to this false religious empire lose their identity, personal desires, motivation, and freedom to the suffocating power and authority of the Prophet of the Locust Army.

The number seven - 7th century - symbolizes God's perfection and completeness. So the birth of this false religious empire reveals to us that God has permitted their presence on the earth, and has allowed them to flourish.  God has been using the Locust Army as a refiner's fire revealing the sins of His wayward church, who have turned to paganism. By knowing the identity of the enemy, this understanding will prepare the true church of God for a victorious battle.

The fate of the Locust Army is not unlike the fate of Pharaoh's army long ago in the land of Egypt, who drowned in the Red Sea after pursuing Moses, and the Israelites he released from slavery. When God finished using the idolatrous Egyptian empire to refine His kids by trials and tribulations, He allowed their army to go down the same disastrous path of death that they had designed for the Israelites.

It will be no different for the idolatrous false religious Locust Army and their Prophet. When God is finished using this vicious and violent Locust Army to purge paganism from His church, then He will allow them to go down the disastrous path they had designed for God's kids. God is always in control of His universe, so fear not - He is always on time.

There is much more that Revelation chapter 9 has to tell us about the Locust Army when He allows them to leave the territory of the Euphrates, and advance across the planet...stay tuned.

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Locust Identity Continues - Part 29 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I began to identify the Locust Army in Revelation Chapter 9 who came out of the bottomless pit - Hell. Please follow along in this chapter. When we left off in our discovery of their identity, verse 8 said they had teeth like lions' teeth. This description symbolizes ferocity. A lion is King of the Jungle - ripping apart its victims with sharp piercing teeth.

The Locust Army claims to be King of the Religious Jungle. As a lion with its prey, they are relentless in using 'sharp weapons' like machetes to cut of the body parts of their victims with ferocity - fulfilling the blood-lust of their god. Jesus went into great detail describing the Locust Army with easy to understand symbolism, so that we will clearly know our enemy.

The Locust Army has breastplates like breastplates of iron...verse 9. An iron breastplate symbolizes presumed invincibility and readiness for battle, revealing their arrogance in purpose.

Verse 9 goes on to say, the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle.  The metaphor sound of their wings symbolizes their unshakable proclamation that they are high above all other religions.  Their vociferous public claims to take over the world, along with their intensity and determination to win the battle is symbolized by the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle.

Verse 10 describes the Locust Army as having tails like scorpions and there were stings in their tails. This symbolizes a wicked and poisonous religious doctrine that overwhelms - pierces the soul - of its victims. Satan is the author of this venomous - scorpion sting - religious doctrine because he is the one who released it upon the earth from the smoke in the bottomless pit. Smoke symbolizes clandestine and nefarious false religious doctrines.

The leader of the Locust Army is called the Prophet...Rev. 16:12-14. More on this later. The prophet Isaiah said, the prophet that lies, he is the tail...Is. 9:15. Since the Locust Army was spawned out of the bottomless pit, their leader, the Prophet, is also from this origin. The Prophet that lies - he is the tail of the scorpion that stings his victims - spiritual death - with a poisonous religious doctrine.

But be of good cheer, Jesus said, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you...Luke 10:19. Serpents and scorpions symbolize Satan and his demons. As a whole, the modern church has not exercised her authority in the Name of Jesus, but rather has cowered in the Name of Political Correctness and Tolerance, and has allowed this enemy into their governments and schools - worldwide...woe unto us.

By now we understand that the Locust Army - false religious empire - has its roots sunk deeply in the pit of Hell. They have been given permission by God, to poison people with their doctrine of demons. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months...verse 5.

The number 5 symbolizes incomplete. This definition tells us that the Locust Army will not be allowed to subdue and conquer all the citizens of the world - though they loudly proclaim their victory in advance. But their dangerous religious doctrine has already infiltrated every country of the world, in their frenzied attempt the take over every government.

The Locust Army - were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree.... Since this is prophetic symbolism many metaphors are used to describe the activities of this enemy of the righteousness of Jesus, and His followers of righteousness.

The word tree in prophecy describes a human being. The symbolism for any green thing describes fertility - prosperity,  growth of finances, material possessions or properties. Grass symbolizes the frailty or vulnerability of the human flesh.

The Locust Army was commanded not to harm (hurt) the grass, any green thing, or any tree - but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads...verse 4. We can conclude that Locust Army is allowed to hurt the grass, any green thing, or any tree - all men - except those who have the seal of God on their foreheads. What is the seal of God?

The word hurt (harm) in this sentence in the original Greek languages is adikeo meaning: to be unjust. This particular designation in this text seems to zero in on countries where the Locust Army is not ruling at this time.  Why do I say this? For the answer to these two questions...stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Locust Identified - Part 28 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

Keep in mind as we study Revelation that historical documentation proves that a majority of the prophecy has been fulfilled which makes it easy it identify the symbolism. Chapter 9 of Revelation began to be fulfilled in the seventh century, but is still in the process of fulfillment in the 21st century. Chapter 16 of Revelation describes the advancement of the locust army in modern times...more on that later.
When we were last together we began to identify the Locust in chapter 9 of Revelation - then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. To understand the metaphorical symbolism we looked at the characteristics of the natural insect. This week we will see why the natural insect was used to symbolize the human army that arises out of the bottomless pit with their violent false religious doctrine.
This locust army was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. As with the locust insect, the locust army is a specific migratory group of people who travel in mobs, subduing their prey like a warring army, leaving a trail of devastation and death. This army is too numerous to count; attacks with ferocity - overwhelms and subdues its victims with a vengeance - maims or murders his victim, leaving few alive. Like the poison from a scorpion sting, the venom of their false religious doctrine (smoke), will spiritually poison countless millions of human beings over the centuries - beginning in the seventh century.
The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle...verse 7. In ancient tines a battle horse had to be ferocious, swift and determined - always ready to fight and make war. Battle warriors rode battle horses - an apt description of the symbolism for the locust army in our study.
On their heads were crowns of something like gold. This symbolism is an especially revealing clue in identifying the locust army. Crowns in scripture symbolize royalty - kings and priests - those who rule over kingdoms or empires. A king rules a nation, kingdom or empire, while a priest rules over the religious needs of the nation or empire.
The color of the crowns on the heads of the locust army is described as something like gold. Isn't this an intriguing description, as well as a bit perplexing? By describing their crowns as something like gold symbolizes that their empire is an imitation, deliberately deceptive - it is illegitimate - according to Jesus Christ who imparted this vision to John.  How do I know this?
The locusts were birthed from the smoke - wicked religious doctrine - that was released from the bottomless pit, so they are possessed and empowered by Satan and his demons -- serpents & scorpions. Satan was given the key, by God, to the bottomless pit, releasing this wicked religious doctrine upon the people of the earth.
In Revelation we see Jesus described as having on His head a golden crown...Rev. 14:14. The crown Jesus wears is the real deal - no imitation here!!
Their faces were like the faces of men...verse 7. These zealous religious warriors - locust army - have faces like men symbolizing they are a sovereign people who rule over a kingdom or empire.
They had hair like women's hair...verse 8. This symbolism could be a bit mystifying if we didn't have historical documentation to help us understand its meaning. In uncivilized cultures of past centuries, brutal and barbaric warrior men proudly wore long hair, like women, as a mark of their fierce savagery, who allowed no hindrance to fulfilling their natural human appetites -- unchecked lustful passions.
Some of these warriors wore skirts or tunics, and no one dared to challenge their authority, but rather cringed in fear. These ruthless warriors subdued and ruled over the people by fear of the onerous consequences. The locust army, in the 7th through the 21st centuries, exhibits the characteristics of these ancient warriors - brutal and barbaric passions - subduing and ruling their subjects by fear of onerous consequences. Beheading infidels falls into onerous consequences.
By now you know who symbolizes the locust army, but they have teeth like lions teeth. Do you know what this symbolizes? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Locust Army (2) - Part 27 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I hinted at the identity of the Locust that were spewed upon the earth from the bottomless pit after the 5th angel sounded his trumpet in Revelation chapter 9. Remember, once we define the symbolism, the message within it is revealed. Once the message is understood, we can find where this prophecy has already been fulfilled, or is in the process.

And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of Heaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound...Rev. 8:13. The word woe is an exclamation of grief. Since it is expressed loudly three times, we must pay close attention to the symbolism in the next trumpet warnings. because they define the Locust and their purpose on the earth.

Within the sound of the 5th & 6th trumpet warnings, there is a sure and menacing darkness about to cover the whole world, bringing frightful doom and gloom to all the inhabitants of the earth. The subject of these ominous warnings - Locust - begins to manifest in the midst of the rule of the Holy Roman Empire, but is contained at the point of origin for centuries - the Euphrates River.

Then the fifth angel sounded:  and I saw a star fallen from Heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit...and he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit...Rev. 9:1-2.

The star in this text symbolizes Satan. Jesus said, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven...Luke 10:18. By this statement Jesus revealed that the power of death that Satan held over God's people, would be broken when He arose from the dead.  The fifth angel reveals Satan losing his power, but it also says he was given the key to the bottomless pit - otherwise known as Hell. Since Satan didn't need a key to his home in the past, the key must have symbolic meaning.

The key symbolizes a specific evil that has been contained in the bottomless pit until after Jesus rose from the dead. Satan's revenge against God will be exercised against God's kids when he releases from the bottomless pit, nefarious and vile religious doctrines - abominable and wicked - twisting and perverting the gospel of Jesus Christ The 5th angels warning is an imminent and portentous pronouncement.

When Satan opened the bottomless pit, a hot suffocating smoke burst out, quickly permeating the atmosphere. Smoke symbolizes lies, heresies, evil inclinations, doctrines of demons - Satan's machinations against mankind.

The sun and air were darkened by the smoke that arose from the great furnace of fire from the bottomless pit.  Sun symbolizes government power and authority, such as kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers - rulers over people. Air symbolizes religious power and authority, such as, priests, pastors, and bishops, all those who claim spiritual authority over people. The sun and air  will be insidiously infiltrated and influenced by the smoke released by Satan.

The secular government and religious authorities will have their hearts and minds darkened, by the false religious doctrines of the ominous and malevolent demons released by Satan upon the earth. We have already studied the 1000-year reign of false religious doctrines under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire - but - there's more...much more.

Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power...Rev. 9:3. Before we can define the metaphorical locusts, we must define the literal insect to see if there are parallel characteristics. 

The locust insects are known to congregate in hordes, too many to count. They are migratory and travel in large swarms, subduing vegetation with a vengeance. Since they leave a trail of death and devastation when they swarm an area, little vegetation survives.

As you read further in Revelation chapter 9 you will find that the locusts symbolize men on horses for battle - an army. Have you figured out yet who the locust symbolize?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question...