So far in this series we have defined 69 weeks - times - of Daniel's vision of 70 weeks, revealing when they were fulfilled. Last blog we listed 3 objectives that must be fulfilled in Daniel 9:26...And after the sixty-two weeks the Anointed One shall be destroyed, and there is no judgment in Him: and He shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint the city to desolation.
Before this portion of Daniel's vision can be fulfilled - one week (70th) - the last half of Daniel 9:25 must be fulfilled...and then the time shall return and the street shall be built, and the wall, and the times shall be exhausted.
After the 7 weeks (times) and 62 weeks (times) edicts have been fulfilled by 30 A.D., the time - week - will return and the street shall be built and the wall. Time will return means the final week of Daniel's 70 week vision will be ready to be fulfilled. What date does historical documentation reveal for the time to return?
The time would return near the end of 63 A.D. Before any Roman armies arrive, we find the city of Jerusalem peaceful and prospering. Yet, in the midst of their tranquility, a puzzling situation develops in the streets of Jerusalem. An ordinary farmer, called a husbandman in those days, appeared on the streets of Jerusalem upending their peace. God sent this unobtrusive humble man to be His voice of warning, so that the citizens of Jerusalem could prepare for His soon coming judgment on them for rejecting His Son, as their Messiah. Who was this voice of warning from God?
What I do know, you have not heard about this prophetic voice, because the modern end-time doctrine embraced by all Christian denominations, leave out portions of history that might contradict their narrative.
Maybe you don't know that Jesus was a commonly used name in this generation, as was James and John. This ordinary farmer was named Jesus, who was the son of Ananus. He was a plebian, a member of the lower class, distinguished from a patrician of the Roman upper class. Yet, God called him to be His emissary, by walking through the streets of Jerusalem crying aloud His urgent warning. What was the warning?
Jesus went through the streets of Jerusalem saying, "A voice from the east, a voice from the west, a voice from the four winds, a voice against Jerusalem and the holy house, a voice against the bridegrooms and the brides, and a voice against the whole people." This message clearly delineates an indictment against the people of Jerusalem, launching the beginning of the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel's vision.
Historians record that Jesus, son of Ananus, walked through the streets of Jerusalem moaning this dirge for seven years and five months. This scripture that he spoke over and over for this long period of time was a prophetic warning that God was against this people. How do I know that Jesus was speaking scripture?
Many centuries before this time, this same prophetic warning was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah, when he tried to persuade the people of Israel to repent for disobeying the Sabbath Rest. He warned if they did not repent they would be punished...Jer. 25:6-11. They did not heed the warning, they did not repent, so were taken captive into Babylon for 70 years.
While chanting his prophetic dirge throughout the streets of Jerusalem, day in and day out, Jesus, son of Ananus, was hit and kicked daily by enraged citizens and religious leaders. Surely the religious leaders knew that Jesus was quoting the prophet Jeremiah, but now this scripture was indicting them - and they were angry. Rather than repent, they vehemently rejected Jesus and his warning, stirring up the people against him.
One day the monotonous dirge enraged them so much, they violently whipped him until his bones were laid bare - yet he shed no tears. In fact, he seemed unaware of his surroundings, as if in a trance. Even a Roman procurator proclaimed that Jesus, son of Ananus, was a madman. Yet, he was unmoved by the daily assaults he endured as a voice of warning for God.
What happened to Jesus, son of Ananus? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~
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