Sunday, November 12, 2017

End of the World - Series #10 - Part 164 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

The Apostle Paul advised followers of Christ to search the scriptures to see how God deals with sinful men, those who reject His provisions and protections from their arch enemy Satan.  There are many dozens of examples from which we should learn, because our flesh innately desires the things of the world.  When we were last together I asked, "Did you know there were Intercessors in the Old Testament - with the mark of God on their foreheads - who wept over the sins of Israel when they left God to serve other gods?"

The Prophet Ezekiel's ministry appeared after the Prophet Jerremiah, and both prophets had a message from God about a national calamity.  Ezekiel warned every individual of Israel that they must take responsibility for the destruction of their temple and city.  Why?  Because they turned away from the provision and protection of God, and whored after foreign gods. was their spiritual leaders who led them down this calamitous path.

The Spirit of God in a vision, took Ezekiel to the temple of God so he could see the wicked abominations - idol worship - that was being conducted by the elders of the House of Israel...Ez. 8:1-11.  Ezeziel, who was invisible, heard the elders of Israel say...the Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land...Ez. 8:12.

In the temple of God, where the public cannot see, Ezekiel was shown the hypocrisy of his religious leaders.  He saw women of the temple sitting around the idol Tammuz weeping for him.  He saw men with their backs to the temple, faces toward the east, worshipping the Sun.  The Spirit of God told Ezekiel these people of Jerusalem have filled the land with violence through their abominations - provoking Him to anger...Ez. 8:13-18.

Then Ezekiel saw six men - angels - with battle axes in their hands.  One that was clothed in linen  had a writer's inkhorn at his side.  The Spirit of the Lord instructed this angel...go through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it...Ez. 9:1-4.  Was this a visible mark on their flesh - like the word God - stamped on their forehead?  Not at all. 

These six angels were sent with battle axes to destroy all who participated in the wicked abominations, so they marked the forehead of the Intercessors, who wept over Jerusalem because of their sins, so they would not be included in the destruction by the angels.  Why was the mark placed on their foreheads?  The forehead symbolizes the mind, will and emotions.  Men make their decisions with their mind - declare their allegiance to God -- or to Satan and the world. 

This is why the Apostle Paul said to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God...Rom. 12:2.  The Intercessors in chapter 9 had their minds focused on the things of God, their allegiance to God was sure, so Ezekiel was allowed to see God's recognition of their obedience through the symbolic ink mark on their foreheads.

After the mark of God was placed on the foreheads of all the Intercesssors of Jerusalem to protect them, the fury of God was unleashed upon the city of Jerusalem -- beginning in the sanctuary where the elders of the temple had committed their abominations.  When any nation turns away from God, and His eternal plans and purposes for His family on the earth, their wicked abominations must be cleansed from the land.  God's judgment and punishment on sin is meant to draw men to Him.  Why?  He is the only one who can lead men safely and victoriously through all the traps set by Satan to ensnare them, while they make their earthly journey to His heavenly kingdom.

The Church of the 21st century has secretly done abominations against God.  The judgment of God against us will be no different than in the ancient days of Israel, if we do not sincerely repent and turn from our wicked ways.  Destruction and devastaation will soon come upon us -- judgment begins at the house of God, just at it did in the ancient days of Israel.  Are these abominations a sign of the times that will result in the end of the world?

One night in 1974, it was late in the evening and the kids were snuggled in their beds, when I finally had a minute to myself to study the Bible.  I was curled up in my comfy chair and was reading about the many supernatural experiences of the Prophet Ezekiel.  I was reading about the sins of the religious leaders committed against their congregation.  There were false prophets in his time and there were priests who violated the Law and profaned God's holy things.  God described them as wolves tearing the prey -- innocent citizens of Israel.

As I was reading about all the secret sins of the leaders of Israel, their oppression of the poor and needy, I realized these same abominations were going on in my generation, by religious and secular leaders alike, so is there any hope for ordinary citizens against such evil governmental power & authority.   Then I came to the verse that changed my spiritual direction forever.  What is this transformative verse?

So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one...therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads...Ez.22:30-31.   Wow... the Intercessors found in chapter 9 could no longer be found in the judgment of chapter 22.  Why?  Apparently every priest, prince and the people of the land had succumbed to wicked abominations by this time.

But, when I read that God was looking for someone to stand in the gap so judgment would not come to those living in sin, it sparked an immediate question to God.  I asked out loud, "What does this mean to stand in the gap?  Can I stand in the gap for my parents, who want nothing to do with You and hate that I am a Christian?  Can You tell me how to stand in the gap for their salvation, so judgment won't come on them before they accept you as Savior?  Later I stood in the gap for all relatives, friends and strangers I met along the way, including politicians & government leaders - thousands of people - intercession was my silent calling - only God got the credit!

This was a revelation to me and stirred my spirit with hope for the deliverance of my parents, especially since they did not want to hear my testimony, and wanted nothing to do with my God.  So I wouldn't share anymore with them what God had done for me, but rather I would stand in the gap, bind Satan's power over their lives, and proclaim in the spirit realm that my God is not willing that any should perish but that all will come to repentance...II Peter. 3:9. 

The Apostle Paul told us...for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh...for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...II Cor. 10:3-5.  Who places these strongholds against human beings?  Satan - man's worst enemy - places these strongholds.

Who is Satan?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~

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