Sunday, June 25, 2017

Judgment Seat of Christ Series #13 - Part 150 of Riddles, Enigmas & Esoteric Imagery of Revelation

When we were last together I revealed the identity of the reward that Jesus brings with Him the day He returns...Rev. 22:12.  In the next few blogs we will delve into the scriptures to see what they say about His reward - the Robe of Righteousness...Is. 61:10.  There is another garment mentioned in this reference:  Garment(s) of Salvation. 

Most mainstream denominations do not differentiate between these garments.  Since Isaiah reveals two different garments, I had to find out  if Jesus said anything about them.  If  you want to know what Jesus says about this subject, come along with me to see what my 40 years of research into the scriptures revealed about this vey important subject.  Did you ever hear a sermon preached about a Wedding Garment ( Robe of Righteousness)?  Sadly, I didn't either.  But I am excited to share with you my findings.

Jesus left us with many prophetic parables which describe how important it is, when believers stand before Him at the Judgment Seat of Christ, for us to be wearing two garments:  (1) Garment of Salvation  (2) Robe of Righteousness - called a Wedding Garment in the New Testament.  While this is a future event, Jesus delineated in clear words - no interpretation needed - to His disciples how important it is for them to be wearing a Wedding Garment on that Day.

The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matt. 22:1-14) begins with the appearance of Jesus Christ to Israel to the end of the world when the wedding of His Son to His Church takes place - Marriage of the Lamb...Rev. 19:7.  Let's keep in mind that Marriage of the Lamb is metaphorical language.  When we hear the word marriage, we get an instant thought of an earthy marriage with all its trappings. What does Marriage of the Lamb mean?

Just before Jesus was captured and crucified He prayed an intense prayer regarding His apostles, and all generations that follow them...John 17:6-26.  In verse 21, Jesus reveals how He was sent to spiritually unite His followers to God ,the Father, when He prayed...that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.  Jesus is inviting all who desire Him, to be spiritually united with Him and His Father in a union of Us.  This is why the sacred union of an earthy marriage is metaphorically used to help us understand the holiness of this spiritual event.

The kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come...again, he sent out other servants, saying, tell those who are invited, see, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready...come to the wedding...but they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business...and the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them...but when the king heard about it, he was furious, and he sent his armies, destroyed those murders, and burned up their city...verses 2-7 of the Parable of the Wedding Feast.

This portion of the prophetic parable describes the arrival of Jesus in Israel where He personally witnessed to the Jewish people that He was the Messiah promised to them by the prophets - they were not willing to accept Him.  Then He sent His followers to witness to them, but Israel rejected them also and killed them.  Then God sent armies to destroy them and burn their city - war of 70 A.D.

Then he said to his servants...the wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy...therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the those servants went out into the highways and gathered all who were found, both bad and good...and the wedding hall was filled with guests...but when the king came to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment...verses 8-11 of the Parable of the Wedding Feast.

In this portion of the prophetic parable the followers of Jesus were sent to the Gentiles, because the first ones to be invited to the Wedding  - the Chosen Ones - rejected His offer.  All people of the earth were now invited to the Wedding - both good and bad.  The next scene is the end of the world depicted by the king - God - coming to see the guests who have filled Wedding Hall  - those who have been received into Heaven and are prepared for the Marriage of the Lamb - His Son.

When God arrived to check on His guests, He spotted a man who stood out among the rest of His guests.   Why did this man stand out from the rest of the guests?  This man didn't have on a Wedding Garment!  We know this man was in Heaven because he had wandered into the Wedding Hall - so he was a born again believer in Jesus Christ. 

So he said to him, "Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?"  And he was speechless...the king said to his servants, "Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."  For many are called, but few are chosen...verses 12-14 of the Parable of the Wedding Feast.

Why was the man speechless when God told him he wasn't properly attired to be in the Wedding Hall?  The word speechless means to muzzle:  he was incapable of verbally expressing his shock at this question from the Lord.  Didn't a pastor or Bible teacher tell him he needed a Wedding Garment?  Why didn't this man read this prophetic parable, you may be asking?

What will happen to the man who is not attired properly, and must leave the Wedding Hall?  Stay tuned...

God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~

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