The Bible is rife with revelation of the Invisible Spiritual Realm. Jesus revealed the invisible Kingdom of Heaven to all who would listen. Later His revelations were written in the Bible. The Bible has become the most destroyed book that was ever published, yet it still is the most purchased book in the world. The enemies of God, tyrannical rulers of nations throughout the planet who have become gods, seek to destroy the very book that reveals their wicked deception - they are mere men filled with demonic spirits.
The book of Daniel is full of examples that reveal the happenings of the invisible spiritual realm. While a teenager Daniel was ripped from his home in Jerusalem by a pagan army, and taken captive to the wicked city of Babylon. He was raised to revere God so was a young man of prayer. Some may ask why would God allow one of His kids to suffer like this? God has purpose in persecution and unjust treatment in the earthly realm.
Sadly, the book of Daniel is taught by many denominations as a myth, such as the time Daniel was thrown into a cage of lions for refusing to worship the pagan King Darius as god. When the lions refused to open their mouths, Daniel's God was revered by the pagan king. Daniel told the king...My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you...Daniel 6:22.
The godly beings who live in the invisible spiritual realm brought justice to Daniel, as he faced death because he refused to capitulate to the demands of the dominate pagan and immoral society in which he lived. Daniel is our example of godly boldness in the face of injustice at the hands of wicked and corrupt pagan governments who seek to destroy anyone who dares to glorify Jesus Christ vociferously in the public arena. Daniel's impossible & unjust situation allowed His God to accomplish the impossible -- and be glorified by the pagan king.
What would you do if you endured the injustice of Daniel? Would you cop a plea bargain? Maybe you would never face the persecution that Daniel faced, because there is not enough evidence in your life to accuse you of being a follower of Jesus Christ. Evidence demands a verdict! If you claim to be a Christian, yet you display no fruit of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace, humility, patience, kindness, faithfulness, endurance, self-control - then you will not experience the victory of Daniel. Why? Because you appear no different from the rest of the people in the world.
We can go through the routine of Bible studies and church attendance and fool many people, but we can never fool God. And, we can't fool Satan and his demons. When push comes to shove, like it did for Daniel many times during his lifetime, will we exemplify the same results? We must come out of the world and declare the works of Jesus Christ with the boldness of Daniel, so that God can send His angels to help us.
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God...Rom. 10:17. If we only believe parts of the Bible, while doubting other parts, the faith of Daniel will not be resident in us. This reference declares that faith comes by hearing God's word. Daniel put his life on the line because he totally believed in God's word. And this is why he had the outcome that he did.
When we were last together I left you with the question, "What happened at age 31?" During this series I have shared some of my personal experiences with the invisible spiritual realm. God desires for His kids to understand the realm where He lives -- the invisible spiritual realm. Satan and his hordes of demons also occupy this realm and the Bible clearly explains their shenanigans, so that we can protect ourselves. Spiritual truth sets us free...John 8:32.
In previous blogs of this series I described a dream I had since I was 7 years old, as well as what caused me at age 14 to begin to hear voices from the invisible spiritual ream. I had no idea that anyone lived in the invisible spiritual realm. Psychologists label you as insane if you dare to share that you hear voices, so you are left with two choices: suffer in silence as the voices tell you that you are worthless and to kill yourself - or - seek professional help and be locked up, given psyche-meds, and labeled a loony-tunes. I never told a soul!
By 1971 my husband was running from the law and we ended up in Montana. By 1972, my husband was gone most weekends to indulge drunkenness, gambling & infidelity, leaving me with the haunting voices. My life was a failure, it was impossible to go on. One of those sorrowful weekends, early in the Fall, I finally succumbed to the commands of the voices, after resisting them silently over 16 years in my own strength -- I was just too tired to go on. What did I do?
Past midnight I walked into the closet and grabbed my husband's rifle - no hand gun available. Dragging it behind me, I walked to the night stand to retrieve a box of shells, then walked out to the living room and sat on the couch. I opened the box and pulled out a shell. At the moment I began to place the shell in the chamber I heard a stern audible voice, coming from the middle of the living room. I looked up expecting to see someone standing there, because it was that real, but I saw no one. What did the voice say?
"You...would remove yourself from this impossible situation and leave those two little girls that you begged Me for?" I had miscarried 4 babies, nearly losing my life during the loss of the twins, so the voice was accurate about begging God. The voice woke me out of my trance-like state of hopelessness, the same as throwing cold water in my face would do. A flood of tears gushed down my face in sorrow for not considering their future without me - I wasn't in control, but something or someone in the invisible spiritual realm had taken over and driven me to this horrific act. Between desperate, heart-wrenching sobs, I finally cried out to the voice, "I don't know what to do!"
Tenderly the voice said, "Give all of these things to Me." I said that I would. I felt like someone had poured warm soothing honey on top of my head as joy flooded every atom of my being. I don't remember ever experiencing joy before -- it was indescribable and full of glory! It was past 1:00 AM by now, but I ran to the girls room where they were sound asleep, totally unaware of the near-tragedy, opened the door and whispered through my tears of joy, "I will never attempt suicide again, and will never put myself first!?" I kept both promises.
The dream I endured for 24 years of being chased in the night, and the condemning invisible voices I endured for 16 years never returned after I accepted Jesus as my Savior on that dark night of the soul. Can demons manifest through a human being right before your eyes? Stay tuned...
God's sheep question the doctrines of men...sheeple follow without question~~~